Black History Month at Warriors
This entry was posted on Thursday, January 4th, 2018 at 2:39 pm and is filed under Community, Education, Sports. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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Why not just make it black history month every day in Antioch?
Thank you for reading the Herald.
But, must you stir up division over an issue where there doesn’t need to be one?
Make your pithy comments, that’s fine. This one makes no sense and is just race baiting and you know it, and it’s really unnecessary and unacceptable.
As far as I’m aware, race relations in our city are pretty good. We don’t need such comments like the one you posted, here especially for such an innocuous and positive, fun event and fundraiser, to undermine that.
Allen Payton, Publisher & Editor
I have a lot of respect for you but your assumptions are way over reaching. As a black man, I meant no malice behind my comment. The community culture, events, and the like should reflect the demographics of the community.
I think I am well justified in believing why can’t everyday celebrate black history.
Furthermore, if you’re going to start policing comments here I would appreciate it if you equally enforce it and not just focus on me. For example many people have made threats against my life and call me racist just like the comments below yet you have done nothing
First, who is this Alan to whom you refer? LOL (It’s Allen. It’s Irish. It’s my mother’s maiden name and was my father’s middle name, his mother’s maiden name, and my son’s middle name. Alan is Welsh. I’m Irish, I tell ya!)
Seriously, thank you for responding and enlightening me. I was not aware of your skin color, race or ethnicity. But, I assumed you were not a black man. My apologies for assuming and misunderstanding your comment, which I thought was tongue-in-cheek and snide, as my mother would say.
I gotcha now. And I agree there’s no reason we can’t celebrate Black History and the contributions of black people to our nation’s history, culture, etc. In fact, if you are watching the council meeting, tonight you would see that there is going to be a new direction for Arts & Cultural programs in Antioch, now that the city’s contract with the Arts & Cultural Foundation of Antioch has ended, as of Dec. 31st.
I do police comments, especially those that contain profanity, which we don’t allow on the Herald websites or Facebook pages, and I do from time to time challenge people in their comments that I believe are stirring things up unnecessarily.
I will respond to that other comment, now.
Allen Payton, Publisher & Editor
No worries Allen. Thank you for acknowledging and being a professional.
Because it’s called Black History Month. Not Black History Day, you racist f***.
It’s called reading comprehension. GED drop pout.
People. People. People. In the words of that great 20th Century philosopher, Rodney King, “can’t we all get along?” 😉
You might want to read Rjb’s response tonight, to my comment posted last night, enlightening me of his own race and ethnicity, of which I was unaware.
Please also curtail your name calling and keep this a place of respectful debate, discussion and dialogue without the overly harsh pejorivates and vitriol.
It doesn’t serve to provide better understanding of each other, but rather to stifle discussion and debate.
Now that you better understand what he meant by his comment you might want to delete yours and offer a new one.
Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and participation.
Allen Payton, Publisher & Editor
I knew his claimed ethnicity already. He knows the honest meaning in what he said, and so does everyone else who reads it. He makes comments about the “kind” of people in Antioch all the time. I can’t delete my comment. You can.