Archive for the ‘Contra Costa County’ Category

Supervisors OK election software contract extension with controversial Scytl over citizen protests

Thursday, January 7th, 2021

Bailey Road/State Route 4 Interchange Pedestrian/Bicycle Project contract approved 

By Daniel Borsuk

With threats streaming from several citizens hanging over Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors that they would be “voted out of office” unless the elected officials either rejected or further studied a request from Contra Costa County Recorder and Registrar of Voters Debbie Cooper to award a third contract extension to Barcelona, Spain-based Scytl at an additional price tag of $200,000, supervisors moved ahead and unanimously approved the contract extension at Tuesday’s meeting.

Moments earlier supervisors, who had elevated District 3 Supervisor Dianne Burgis of Brentwood to chairperson and District 5 Supervisor Federal Glover of Pittsburg to vice chairperson for 2021, were unmoved by the threats. Several unidentified speakers requested supervisors to either pull the consent item for further consideration or to disapprove Registrar of Voters Cooper’s request to extend the contract of Scytl, formerly called SOE Clarity Suite when it was acquired by Scytl in 2012.

The contract with Contra Costa County has been in effect since 2015. The supervisors’ action boosted the payment to Scytl by $200,00 to a new total contract payment of $590,000.

Scytle, whose SOE Software division was founded in 2002 in Tampa Bay, Florida, filed for bankruptcy, last May. According to an October 22, 2020 article on Scytle’s website, “Service Point Solutions, part of Paragon Group, announces the acquisition of Scytl, the Barcelona based company leader in digital voting and electoral modernization.” Service Point Solutions is also based in Barcelona.

The article further states, the “acquisition unveils Paragon’s group strategy to position Service Point Solutions as a pan-european platform for high-growth digital business.”

Scytle has been accused of being part of the effort to change votes in the November elections from President Trump to President-Elect Biden, in coordination with Dominion Voters Systems machines, which have also been used in Contra Costa County since 2018. (See related article)

“You are not providing proper oversight concerning this contractor,” said one disgruntled caller. “If you don’t improve, we’ll vote you out of office.”

Supervisors were not bullied by the threat or appeals from other anonymous speakers.  Supervisor John Gioia of Richmond said, “I will not let those promoting the election conspiracy line since 2015 to sway me.”

“We need to start to post these contracts,” said Supervisor Karen Mitchoff of Pleasant Hill, who is reportedly serving the last two years of her final term in office.  “The public needs to see these requests for proposals.”

Supervisor Mitchoff reacted to one unidentified speaker’s complaint that this contract lacked adequate public notice.

In response to questions about Scytle software, Supervisor Candace Andersen wrote that she had her staff research it and that “It appears to be a non-issue. We’re not purchasing equipment – it is renewing contract for website software. European company bought an American company that we have been doing business with them from 2007. Web hosting and election night reporting. Software where we upload our results and changes to pretty graphics seen on the website.  It does not have any impact on election integrity.”

Contra Costa County Clerk/Recorder and Registrar of Voters Debi Cooper also responded, “SOE (Scytl) does not provide any direct election services and is not connected to systems involved with tallying our election results. SOE provides our web hosting and election night reporting graphical support. Our election tally process is done separately on a system that is not connected to the internet. We take information from our tally system to upload information to the website. We originally contracted with SOE in 2007 after conducting an RFP process. SOE was the only respondent that met our needs for election night reporting. SOE was acquired by Scytl in 2014 while we were under contract with SOE. They continue to provide services to many state and local jurisdictions across this country.”

Some speakers charged the county is illegally doing business with a foreign-based company, allegedly operating out of Frankfurt, Germany, although according to Scytl’s website, “Scytl has no presence in Frankfurt, Germany.”

In response to the allegations against the company during the 2020 elections, Scytl posted information on their website stating the following: “The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US, by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida.”

In addition, the Scytl website explains that the election data reporting company has “no political affiliations of any kind.”  The statement further rebukes statements that it provides any electronic voting machines in the U.S. and “does not tabulate, tally or count votes in U.S public elections.”

Burgis Becomes Chair, Glover Vice Chair

Earlier Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (D.- Concord) remotely administered the oath of office to District 3 Supervisor Burgis, who was sworn into office as Chair of the Board for 2021, and District 5 Supervisor Glover, who was re-elected to his sixth four-year term and will serve as vice chair.

Burgis and Glover, who commences his sixth four-year term of office, along with three other supervisors will oversee the disbursement of the county’s $3.98 billion budget in 2021.

Upon succeeding District 2 Supervisor Candace Andersen of Danville as Chair, Burgis said, “I want to bring the Northern Waterfront Plan home.

I want to see the benefits coming from it,” Burgis said as one of her key platform issues along with development of the Byron and Buchanan airports, fire department consolidation, and countywide economic recovery during the upcoming post COVID-19 era.

In a prepared statement, Burgis said:

“I appreciate Supervisor Andersen’s unwavering commitment to keeping our residents safe and keeping the county moving forward while addressing the impacts of COVID-19.  As chair, I intend to work with my colleagues to support our county health officer to get the coronavirus under control, move the county toward economic recovery for all residents and businesses, enhance mental health crisis response, reform our juvenile justice system, address racial injustice and inequality, protect the Delta, and proactively fight climate change, and, at long last, provide sustainable fire protection services to all areas of the county.  I’m excited about our year ahead and ready to get to work.”

Glover said, “Dianne, I appreciate being your wingman, even though my chief boss is Janice Glover (Glover’s wife).”  The veteran office holder said 2020 was a year where county workers, especially those in public health and first responders, had to learn on the go.  “None of this is written in a book,” said Glover.

Outgoing chair Andersen, who was given a photography book by the Mt. Diablo photographer Steven Joseph, said 2020 was “a year unlike any other” marked by citizens sickened or killed during COVID-19 pandemic, left homeless, having to shutter small businesses, and a host of economic medical and social issues fanned by COVID-19.

Bailey Road/State Route 4 Interchange Pedestrian/Bicycle Project Contract Approved 

In a consent action, Supervisors approved a $3.7 million contract with Bay Cities Paving and Grading Inc. to construct the Bailey Road/State Route 4 Interchange Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project.  Bay Cities Paving and Grading submitted the lowest and most responsible bid from a field of six other construction companies competing for the federally funded project.

The Bay Cities Paving and Grading submission beat submissions from Granite Rock Co, $3,859,608; Ghilotti Construction Co., Inc., $3,930,295.50; Ghilotti Bros. Inc., $3,972,887; O.C. Jones & Sons Inc., $3,996,733; Gordon N. Ball, Inc., $4,123,732; and Granite Construction Co., $4,864,644.

Allen Payton contributed to this report.

Following death threat, protests Supervisor Mitchoff drops COVID-19 business fines hike proposal

Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

Reads unedited profanity laced email during Tuesday meeting

Unlikely radioactive material dumped at Keller Canyon Landfill in Pittsburg

Prioritize teachers for COVID-19 vaccine

By Daniel Borsuk

Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, choking back tears after receiving an emailed death threat and listening to an avalanche of protests to her proposal to boost county public health fines on small businesses violating COVID-19 orders, requested the idea be dropped at Tuesday’s Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors meeting.

Supervisors earlier heard from a number of anonymous callers, presumably restaurant owners largely hit by county health inspections and penalty fines.  Most of the speakers protested that the current fines of $250 for the first offense, $500 for the second offense and $1,000 for each additional violation within one year of the initial violation were too extreme.  If a violation continues for more than one day, each day is treated as a separate violation.

At the Board’s December 8 meeting, Mitchoff had proposed the county dramatically increase fines in order to send a message to businessowners thinking of violating county ordinances.  At that meeting the supervisor had said, “I would like to see, $10,000, $15,000, and $20,000 fines.  We have to do something different.  If they want to stay open and spread COVID they have to pay the price.”

Prior to receiving the threatening email or listening to anonymous businessowners torpedo her proposal Tuesday, Mitchoff said “If we do not do something, we’ll lose credibility.  I see many businesses in Concord and Pleasant Hill obey county orders and are closed, but restaurants in Danville are open.”

A group of Danville and San Ramon restaurant owners have stirred up most of the protests.

“We receive 13 complaints a day including customers not wearing masks or not social distancing,” Contra Costa County District Attorney Dianna Becton told the supervisors.  The DA has assigned two inspectors for health code violations.

“Small businesses are really suffering,” said Supervisor Diane Burgis of Brentwood, who said one small busines owner pleaded with her for help because he had difficulty paying his property taxes.  “I am not going to support higher fines.  I am not in support of higher taxes. It won’t work.”

Later, Mitchoff caved into the public protests and especially upon receiving a sort of “interesting”, profanity-laced message during the meeting that she received from Ricky Gunz and read verbatimm:

“F— you Bi—. Sleep lightly. There are some bad people out there.  Karma is a motherf—r.  Keep trying to fine business and see what happens.”

“We hear the pain and the frustration,” said Supervisor John Gioia of Richmond. “It is all about saving lives and slowing the spread of COVID-19 to the 15 percent intensive care unit (ICU) capacity level.  We’re trying to save ICU capacity.”

Earlier supervisors learned from Contra Costa County Public Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano that Contra Costa had 181 COVID-19 patients in local hospitals, but more crucially, 133 patients were occupying ICU beds.  There are a total of 183 ICU beds in the county.

“That’s a significant increase,” said Farnitano. “Our case rate is 36 cases per day.  December will be our deadliest month.  Of 500 patients, five will die of COVID19,” he warned.

Keller Canyon Landfill Probe: “Unlikely that radiological materials were disposed of at Keller Canyon”

Supervisors also voted 5-0 to accept a two-page report on an investigation whether any radioactive materials from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard were transported to the Keller Canyon Landfill in Pittsburg.  The report, prepared by TRC Solutions, Inc. was initiated after news reports initially published on April 21, 2018 in the San Francisco Chronicle and later picked up by other news outlets including the Contra Costa Herald about allegations of improper dumping of radioactive materials had occurred in the landfill.

“TRC’s forensic audit started in October 2018 and concluded in May 2019.  Documents reviewed by TRC included special waste authorizations, soil analytical data reports, Hunters Point work plans and reports, Standard Operating Procedures, portal monitor calibration records, and landfill data to ascertain if radiologically contaminated materials were received by KCL from Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.  In addition, site visits were performed at both KCL and HPNS in April 2019,” the report stated.

“Based on this review, of data, reports, logs, interviews, and site visits, it is concluded that it is very unlikely that radiological materials of concern (i.e., radionuclides specific to Hunters Point contaminations and in exceedance of background) were disposed of at Keller Canyon. To obtain certainty that no radiologically contaminated material from Hunters Point was received at Keller Canyon, limited environmental field sampling could be performed at Keller Canyon.”  Republic Services of Contra Costa operates the landfill.

Pittsburg City Manager Garret Evans said the city will continue to monitor the landfill based on the history of landfill’s previous issues about allegedly poor inaccurate data about air monitors and lead.

“Keller Canyon has been very cooperative.  This has been an important and thorough study that has gone through several community meetings, “said Supervisor Federal Glover of Pittsburg, whose District 5 includes the landfill.

Resolution Prioritizes Private and Public Teacher Receive COVID-19 Vaccines

Supervisors passed a resolution urging Gov. Gavin Newsom, the California Department of Public Health and all other state health officials to ensure that all public, parochial and private classroom teachers and staff receive the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost in order to assist school officials to reopen schools when it becomes safe to do so.

Two Cannabis Community Benefit Agreements Approved

Supervisors approved the community benefit agreements with two cannabis retail outlets – The Artist Tree V storefront commercial cannabis dispensary in El Sobrante and the Authentic 925 in Pacheco.  The two items acted on consent items.

The actions mean applicants for the two businesses are nearing approval of use permits whereby the owners will be required to pay the county community benefit taxes based on prospective retail sales.  In the case of SGI Pacheco, doing business as Authentic 925, the county will receive on an annual basis, $150,000 or 1.5 percent of the business’s gross profits, whichever is greater.

In the case of The Artist Tree V, the community benefit is based on percentages of annual gross sales of 2 percent or 3 percent depending on whatever will be gross sales during the operating year.












COVID-19 vaccine will be distributed first to frontline health workers in county

Tuesday, December 15th, 2020

Then will follow federal, state framework

Joint Statement of the Bay Area Health Officers

As Bay Area nurses, doctors and other healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients receive the first, small batches of a rigorously tested vaccine, the region’s Health Officers see hope: we now have a critical tool to help fight this pandemic.

These vaccinations in acute care hospital settings follow a federal and state framework adopted locally that will also soon protect those living in skilled nursing facilities, settings where elderly, vulnerable members of our communities are more likely to have severe illness and die from COVID-19.

As vaccine supplies grow to eventually include other groups, the Bay Area’s Health Officers and federal officials believe these safe and effective vaccines will work in tandem with the daily habits and essential public health work that will ultimately end the pandemic.

Those key steps to fight the pandemic include public health work to protect high-risk groups and health care workers, identifying and isolating cases, and also tracing and quarantining contacts. For the public that means wearing face coverings, avoiding gatherings, postponing travel, and staying home whenever possible.

“This first batch of vaccines will protect our front-line healthcare workers so they can help our hospitals withstand the current winter COVID-19 wave and save as many lives as possible,” said Dr. Chris Farnitano, Contra Costa County’s health officer. “Now is the time to double down on our efforts to slow the spread of the pandemic so that we can all stay alive and healthy until there is enough vaccine for everyone.”

The 12 health officers for the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sonoma and the City of Berkeley support the state’s vaccine distribution guidelines, which now prioritize healthcare workers in acute care facilities. Each jurisdiction will use that roadmap to implement the distribution of vaccines in this first phase, which may take several months as supplies increase. Vaccines for the general public may be available by early summer.

All of the region’s health officers plan to take the vaccine when the opportunity comes.

These early doses of COVID-19 vaccine come amidst an unprecedented surge of cases regionally and statewide. As hospitals’ intensive care units near capacity, stay at home orders are either in place or anticipated soon throughout the region.

Staying home saves lives.

“In this darkest hour, the vaccine gives us a beacon to show the direction we’re headed,” said Dr. Lisa B. Hernandez, Health Officer for the City of Berkeley. “The actions and daily habits we each take increase the light on that path and improve safety for all.”

Learn more about the state’s guidelines for the first phase:

California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 Vaccine Phase 1A distribution guidelines


Contra Costa Health Officer shortens quarantine period to 10 days

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

Today, Thursday, December 10, 2020, the Contra Costa Health Officer, Dr. Chris Farnitano, shortened the time for quarantines from 14 days to 10.

Following is the updated Mass Quarantine Order:

Date of Order: 12/10/2020

This order supersedes HO-COVID19-32 (October 8), the order requiring the quarantine of persons exposed to a person diagnosed with COVID-19. Quarantine separates individuals who were exposed to COVID-19 from others until it is determined that they are not at risk for spreading the disease.

Based on updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this order shortens the quarantine period for most individuals from 14 to 10 days. This order also prohibits employees of detention facilities and long-term care facilities from returning to work for four days after completion of the 10-day quarantine requirement.

See the complete order, here.


Contra Costa Supervisors appoint Monica Nino new county administrator amid labor leaders’ protests

Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

Vaccine on the way to county; Mitchoff calls for tougher COVID fines

Newly appointed Contra Costa County Administrator, Monica Nino. Photo: San Joaquin County

By Daniel Borsuk

Against protests from labor organization leaders, Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to appoint San Joaquin County Administrator Monica Nino to become the new county administrator, replacing David Twa, who is retiring after holding the powerful position since 2007.

Nino, who topped 47 other candidates for the post, will start her new position on Jan. 4.  She was given a five-year contract and will be paid $372,000 a year.

Before supervisors put their stamp of approval on an executive search firm’s selection, they got an earful of complaints from labor leaders that Ms. Nino’s labor track record in San Joaquin County, where she has overseen 7,500 employees in 26 departments and a $1.9 billion budget, since 2013 had them concerned.

When she takes over the reins in Contra Costa County, Nino will oversee a $3.6 billion operating budget for 7,500 employees and 28 departments and a regional hospital.

“Ms. Nino is a known union buster in San Joaquin County,” said labor representative John Rowe, who was one of more than 10 labor representatives blasting the supervisors for their selection of Nino.  “This person has opposed the union movement.”

“You’ll get inaccurate information from Ms. Nino,” warned Lisa Harlow of the Contra Costa County Service Employees International Union (SEIU) clerks union, whose members, she said, earn 20 percent less than most other Bay Area county unionized clerks.

Even with the poor reviews from labor representatives, Nino received favorable endorsements from the five Contra Costa County supervisors and San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors Chair Kathy Miller, who said, “She has really set a very high standard for bringing in folks with experience and new ideas and she worked “very hard alongside the Board injecting the 21st century into the county as an organization.  She is leaving the county in a very good position.”

County Administrator Twa recommended Nino based on his work with her on state association projects. “She is very professional and very engaged,” he said of Nino, who would be the first woman and Hispanic to hold the county’s post in its 177-year history.

“She’ll do an excellent job,” Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors Chair Candace Andersen said.  “We need to be held accountable.  You cannot compare us to San Joaquin County. There’s going to be some significant changes.”

“I am very dissatisfied in our labor partners.  Nothing was done in secrecy,” said Supervisor Karen Mitchoff of Pleasant Hill.  “There’s no rush to judgement.”

In a related matter, supervisors approved a three-month contract extension with Twa during the January through March transition period to assist Nino settle into her new job. The board approved a contract extension with him, as well as a Position Adjustment Resolution creating a second county administrator position, to provide for the transition during the three months, at a cost of $95,000.

“I always had a goal to be either in the Bay Area or Southern California with a bigger urban county,” said Nino after the supervisors’ vote.  “It was a goal from the time I was in Stanislaus, so I am very complimented that the Board considered me.”

Prior to her position in San Joaquin County, Nino was employed in Stanislaus County in various leadership positions from 1988 to 2013, and appointed to Chief Executive Officer in 2011. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and a Master’s degree in Public Administration. According to her bio, Nino values “making a difference in the community, offering greater transparency within and outside the organization by ensuring local government, community, and public services are delivered efficiently and effectively.”

“I thank the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors and look forward to working with them, the employees and the residents of the county,” Nino said. “I look forward to working to address the opportunities and challenges for the next, several years.”

“I’m very excited,” she added.

Mitchoff Wants Tougher COVID Fines

An adamant Supervisor Mitchoff proposed the county look into raising code enforcement fines because there are an increasing number of businesses defying the public health shut down orders over concerns that the orders will financially shutter their businesses.

“Code enforcement and the police will have to do something different If these business owners want to illegally stay open and spread COVID.  They will have to pay higher fines,” said Mitchoff.

Mitchoff’s request should be calendared for public hearing at next week’s board meeting, the final meeting of 2020.

Currently, businesses violating county public health ordinances are subject to a first fine of $250.  A second fine costs $500 and a third fine costs $1,000.

“I’d like to see $10,000, $15,000 and $20,000 fines,” Mitchoff said. “We have to do something different.  If these businesses want to stay open and to spread COVID, they have to pay the price.”

No one from the business community spoke out either in favor or in opposition to Mitchoff’s proposal, but there are an increasing number of businesses, especially restaurants and personal care – gyms and hair salons and barbershops – that are defying health code orders willing to pay the low fines in order to stay in business.

COVID-19 Vaccine on the Way 

With more than 2,000 COVID-19 deaths a day nationwide, Contra Costa Health Director Dr. Chris Farnitano informed supervisors said that the countywide COVID-19 positivity rate will soon be at 11 percent to 12 percent, but hope is around the corner with the delivery of a vaccine as early as next week.

Dr. Farnitano said the county could receive less than 10,000 doses of the vaccine next week.  High risk health care workers will receive the vaccine, he said.  “Our health department has a vaccine branch working with local hospitals.”

It will be late winter or early spring before the vaccine will become widely available for the general public, he said.

“In the meantime, hunker down and get through this winter.  Stay home.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask,” Farnitano added.

Saranap Area General Plan Approved

Supervisors approved, with no public comment, the Saranap Area General Plan.  With the proposed Saranap Village mixed used project near downtown Walnut Creek that consists of 235 multifamily residential units, 30,000 square feet of street level restaurant, retail, and off space parking located in four buildings.  The plan also calls for revised, improved on-road bicycle lanes, trails, and signage along Boulevard Way.

Allen Payton contributed to this report.

Contra Costa Tax Collector’s online system crashes, payments due Thursday must be mailed or dropped off by tomorrow

Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

By Anthony Dorado

The Contra Costa County Treasurer-Tax Collector’s online payment system crashed on Wednesday, December 9 just a day before the first installment deadline for property tax bills tomorrow. A Tax Collector’s office staff member said that they had experienced an influx of payments that overloaded and subsequently crashed the system.

Many residents utilize the online system as a cheaper, more efficient way to pay their taxes and with the current COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Due to the nature of the system, most users wait until just days before the deadline to submit those taxes and are now seemingly at risk for penalty. No announcement was issued on the matter regarding the crash nor what was being done about it.

However, the staff member said they were doing everything in their power to fix the system and that it should be back up and running soon. While they understand and empathize with those inconvenienced, Tax Collector’s office is asking that people be patient and flexible.

Anyone who has not yet filed their first installment taxes can do so by mailing them by tomorrow, Thursday, Dec. 10. Those who mail their taxes by or before the deadline will have their taxes received and filed promptly according with their postage date. As long as the filing is postmarked by Dec. 10, there will be no penalties.

Taxes, paid by check, only must be mailed to Contra Costa Tax Collector P.O. Box 631, Martinez, CA 94553 or they can be dropped off in the box at the Main Street door of the county Finance Building at 625 Court Street, Suite 100 in Martinez.



Contra Costa County had third highest Census 2020 self-response rate in state, tops its Census 2010 rate

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

By Matt Lardner, Census Outreach Coordinator, Contra Costa County

Contra Costa County achieved the third highest Census 2020 self-response rate of all California counties with a rate of 77.4% for the once-a-decade count of all residents. The County’s self-response rate also surpassed its Census 2010 rate of 72.1% by more than five points or a 7.4% increase.

The County’s Census 2020 self-response rate outperformed the country’s 67% and the state’s 69.6% self-response rates. Nearly all of the cities in the County surpassed their 2010 rates, and those that did not were within 1% of doing so. See response rates by city in Contra Costa County in this Census 2020 report.

Contra Costa County’s Complete Count Steering Committee and 67 community based organizations collaborated on the Census 2020 count. The County’s high response rate is owed in large part to the work of cities, agency and community partners, and trusted messengers who helped reach Contra Costa residents, including hard-to-count populations.

“Our success in Contra Costa County could not have happened without the strong partnerships with our local non-profits and community based organizations,” said District 3 Supervisor Diane Burgis, Chair of the Complete Count Committee. “We have built lasting relationships and capacity that will be mutually beneficial as we collaborate on outreach in all aspects of our work.”

“Thanks to all of the residents who responded to the Census. You have guaranteed that Contra Costa County will receive its fair share of representation and much-needed funding for critical programs and infrastructure for the next decade,” said District 2 Supervisor and Board Chair Candace Andersen, Vice-Chair of the Complete Count Committee.

Now the U.S. Census Bureau will prepare the data to present to the President on December 31, 2020. The redistricting process will begin in Spring 2021.

Information about Contra Costa County’s Census 2020 outreach and impact are available at

Limited Contra Costa Superior Court closure beginning Monday, Dec. 7

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

By Matt Malone, Public Information Officer, Superior Court of California, Contra Costa County

COVID-19 cases have spiked, resulting in a new stay-at-home order for the county effective this weekend. To limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission, the Court will enact a LIMITED COURT CLOSURE effective Monday, December 7, 2020, and until further notice.

THE COURT WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. Exceptions are criminal preliminary hearing witnesses, attorneys, and defendants in matters with time not waived. Masks are required for entry.

JURY TRIALS ARE SUSPENDED. Criminal preliminary hearings with time not waived will proceed.

JURY SERVICE. Jurors summonsed to report on or before January 11, 2021: Your service has been completed. You do not need to call or report for jury duty.

THE COURT WILL NOTIFY YOU OF RESET HEARINGS. If your matter is to be reset, the Court will notify you of the new date, with hearings to be by Zoom or CourtCall. Instructions and links for Zoom/CourtCall, public access to audio streaming where available, and court calendars may be found on our Court Calendar webpage.

ALL CLERK’S OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. FILINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY MAIL OR DROP BOX ONLY. The limited closure is NOT a Court holiday for filing deadlines. Drop boxes will be available from 8 A.M. – 4 P.M at the following locations:

Civil: Main Street entrance of the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse in Martinez. o Criminal: Main Street entrance of the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse in Martinez.

  • Family: Main entrance of Family Law building in Martinez.
  • Juvenile: Main entrance of the Walnut Creek Courthouse.
  • Probate: Main Street entrance of the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse in Martinez.
  • Pittsburg and Richmond courthouses: These drop boxes are available only for filings in case types heard at those locations.

ALL COURT RECORDS OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED. See the Criminal Records and Civil Records webpages for the process for records requests by mail.

This public health situation is urgent and constantly changing. Accordingly, the Court anticipates further press releases providing more details on Court operations over the next 30-60 days. Please visit the Court website for updated information.