Youth ages 12-15 apply now for The YOCH Teen Internship program

Source: City of Antioch

For Antioch residents or AUSD students; deadline Aug. 30

The YOCH Internship program is designed for teens ages 12-15 and is a unique opportunity offering a chance to engage in meaningful work while gaining valuable skills and experiences. Some participants may even qualify for a stipend based on their age, making it both rewarding and financially beneficial.

At present, our internship focuses on tutoring younger Antioch youth in Math & Reading, serving as mentors and role models to support academic growth. To ensure the success of this initiative, applicants must have a GPA of 2.9 or higher when applying for the internship. This program is open to both AUSD students and Antioch residents, providing a platform for local youth to make a positive impact in their community while furthering their own educational development.

To apply visit Activity Code #11422. For more information, please email us at or visit Join us in empowering the next generation of leaders and scholars!

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