Filipino-American Celebration Saturday

Join the Filipino-American Association of Pittsburg this Saturday, April 9th in celebrating the 69th annual commemoration of the Fall of Bataan-Corregidor at a luncheon buffet at Humphrey’s on the Delta.  The surviving veterans and war widows will be honored thruout the ceremony.

Social hour is at noon- luncheon begins at 12:30. The cost for the buffet ticket is $35.
The three-month battle for Bataan ended on April 9th, 1942. Filpino, American and Chinese soldiers had fought to the point of starvation the Japanese invaders. 72,000 surrendered and were led on the infamous Bataan Death March of 90 miles, resulting in approximately 18,000 deaths.
Memorial Mass will be held on Sunday, April 10th at 12 noon at the Church of Good Shepard, 3200 Harbor Street, Pittsburg.

Contact:  Roger Tumbaga- (925) 890-5859 or Walter Ruehlig, (925) 756-7628.

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