Only 21 people respond to Antioch city manager hiring survey for input to council before vote
Was not provided to local media to promote and share with readers
Scathing comments directed at council
City staff provide questions, responses but won’t say how they guaranteed only Antioch residents participated, stats on hiring process, nor when Bessie Mae Scott will start, Ogorchock says Monday, Oct. 7th
By Allen D. Payton
During the council meeting on August 28, 2024, when the new city manager, Bessie Marie Scott was hired on a 3-2 vote, District 1 Councilmember Tamisha Torres-Walker said a survey had been taken as part of her argument that the hiring process had been transparent to the public. After waiting for three weeks to obtain information about the public survey the City of Antioch conducted, Human Resources Department Director Ana Cortez provided the details. They include the questions, responses and the number of participants provided through the Survey Monkey website. The greatest number of people who answered any of the six questions during the 10-day survey was just 21. The survey also allowed general comments to several of the questions, which included many that were critical of the mayor and the city council, and several complaints about the homeless, crime and lack of police. The responses were received between March 20th and 30th.
Following the council meeting that night, Cortez, City Attorney Thomas Lloyd Smith and members of his department staff were asked how many responses the survey received, how did it guarantee only Antioch residents participated, when and where was the public survey about the city manager position shared and for them to provide a copy of the questions and results. They were informed the Herald was not provided information about the survey so that it could be shared with our readers for greater participation.
They were also asked for Ms. Scott’s start date, how many candidates applied, withdrew from the process and were interviewed by the city council.
The questions were sent again on Wednesday, Sept. 18 and to Councilmembers Lori Ogorchock and Mike Barbanica asking for their assistance in obtaining the information and answers. The councilwoman responded simply, “Working on it”. On Thursday, Sept. 19, Cortez responded with the following: “Please see below the link to the survey for the City Manager search. You will find the questions that were asked and the results.”
Antioch City Manager Survey Results Link
Cortez also said, “The Survey was shared in our social media outlets – City of Antioch’s Facebook page, Instagram, and website. The survey with a QR Code was posted outside the City Council Chambers and on the HR front door.” But it was not shared with any of the local media that covers the City of Antioch.
Of the six questions with preselected multiple-choice answers included in the survey, 21 people answered four, 16 answered one and 15 provided additional comments. Following are the questions and all of the responses:
Q1 Which type of leader should Antioch have as its City Manager? (Please prioritize most important as 1 and least important as 5. Select up to 5.) Answered: 21 Skipped: 0
Comments (7)
“They not be a yesman to Thorpe. We’ve seen Con Johnson fired for leaking to DA. Kwame is a yesman. FORD says he will come back if Thorpes not in office… so that tells me Thorpe did or asked Ford to be unethical. Thorpe dictatorship should not have an iota of say in this hiring.” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“Leader- lead by example” 3/25/2024 09:01 PM
“Not influenced by Mayor and City Council” 3/25/2024 03:01 PM
“They are not aligned with any one individual (mayor) and vote their own mind and their actions speak louder than their words.” 3/23/2024 02:02 PM
“Someone who is not scared to go against others in order to make things right. Someone who is not in bed with dirty politicians or dirty authority figures. Someone who will call out when wrong is wrong. Someone who will stand up and fight against the petty theft’s, vehicle and home burglaries juvenile violence.” 3/20/2024 04:06 PM
“We need someone that cares about the residents. Making care of our roads and infrastructure a priority.” 3/20/2024 02:12 PM
“Antioch is facing so many pivotal moments right now- will we continue to be viewed as the new dump of the east bay or can we make a comeback? A city manager will need to act quickly to solve the most pressing problems we are facing.” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
Q2 Which three of the following management styles do you believe are essential for the City Manager to successfully lead Antioch? Please prioritize most important as 1 and leat [sic] important as 3. Select up to 3). Answered: 21 Skipped: 0
Comments (5)
“City directives by council members.. if they are illegal, Unethical the City manager should report such incidents to the DA office.l” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“Be involved with other agencies in the City- bridge the gap” 3/25/2024 09:01 PM
“Find a way to get the mentally ill people wandering our streets vandalizing our businesses removed so law abiding citizens feel safe on our streets.” 3/20/2024 02:12 PM
“Stand up to the current mayor and not follow in his destructive path the city is on.” 3/20/2024 01:21 PM
“Just lead strong!!! And be honest! We are desperate for a change.” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
Q3 Which five of the following abilities and skills do you believe are most essential to perform the work of the City Manager? Answered: 21 Skipped: 0
Answer Choices | Responses |
Skill in conflict resolution and collective bargaining experience | 71.43% 15 |
Skill in City finance | 66.67% 14 |
Experience working on racial equity issues | 14.29% 3 |
Ability to work with a City Council that sometimes have differing opinions and perspectives | 66.67% 14 |
Ability and desire to really listen | 52.38% 11 |
Ability to recruit and develop a diverse workforce | 19.05% 4 |
Ability to work together and openly with members of the community | 42.86% 9 |
Ability to build diverse teams within the organization | 23.81% 5 |
Ability to remain focused on the City’s long-term goals | 61.90% 13 |
Ability to challenge the status quo and view issues through a racial equity lens | 14.29% 3 |
Other (please specify) | 28.57% 6 |
“Ability to stand up and not allow a councilmember or mayor to wrongfully influence or threaten them.” 3/30/2024 07:49 AM
“Equity is just a term to not treat people Equal. I want a person who doesn’t use the race cardvas [sic] an excuse. Buy lifts up ALL citizens of Antioch.” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“Ability to recognize, retain great employees and promote.” 3/25/2024 09:01 PM
“All of the above.” 3/22/2024 09:01 PM
“Listen to all of the community no matter what race they are.” 3/20/2024 02:12 PM
“Someone who can focus on the task right now. Yes, the long-term goals, but we have so many urgent immediate problems to solve. Someone who can get to work quickly and make immediate changes for the better.” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
Q4 What are the top three positive trends you see in Antioch that the next City Manager will encounter upon starting in their new role? Answered: 16 Skipped: 5
Answer Choice 1 (16 responses)
“Open mind.” 3/30/2024 08:41 PM
“Getting a new mayor.” 3/30/2024 09:04 AM
“Residents determined to see the city succeed.” 3/30/2024 07:49 AM
“Do not be a yes man to Thorpe.” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“Future planning.” 3/28/2024 05:08 PM
“New mayor.” 3/25/2024 11:27 PM
“Hopefully the transition of a new mayor.” 3/23/2024 02:02 PM
“Hiring qualified employees at all positions.” 3/22/2024 09:01 PM
“Hopefully new Mayor and council.” 3/21/2024 08:00 AM
“The developer, Sean McCauley.” 3/20/2024 07:45 PM
“A growing community.” 3/20/2024 04:06 PM
“Police staff strengthened.” 3/20/2024 02:21 PM
“There are no positives right now.” 3/20/2024 01:21 PM
“Homeless and their destruction.” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
“Current mayors term being up soon.” 3/20/2024 11:06 AM
“Clean up the trash from the homeless.” 3/20/2024 09:25 AM
Answer Choice 2 (12 responses)
“Visionary.” 3/30/2024 08:41 PM
“New council members.” 3/30/2024 09:04 AM
“Treat people Equal.” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“Working with all department heads.” 3/28/2024 05:08 PM
“City folks ready for a change.” 3/25/2024 11:27 PM
“Hopefully the transition of a new dynamic city council.” 3/23/2024 02:02 PM
“Not to hire friends of elected people.” 3/22/2024 09:01 PM
“Community Events throughout the City.” 3/20/2024 07:45 PM
“New Mayor in 2025” 3/20/2024 02:21 PM
“Trash!!!!! Everywhere. Antioch is called the new dump.” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
“City cleaning up homeless encampments.” 3/20/2024 11:06 AM
“Stopping the side shows.” 3/20/2024 09:25 AM
Answer Choice 3 (11 responses)
“Positive growth in equity for every citizens.” 3/30/2024 08:41 PM
“Get Police staffing levels back up.” 3/30/2024 09:04 AM
“Be the best qualified for the job, not hire due to skin one.” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“Forecasting budget.” 3/28/2024 05:08 PM
“Future growth.” 3/25/2024 11:27 PM
“Developing a better public persona and face for city of Antioch.” 3/23/2024 02:02 PM
“Safe Streets (speed bumps).” 3/20/2024 07:45 PM
“New council members in 2025.” 3/20/2024 02:21 PM
“Rebuilding the run down, boarded up, sad looking shopping centers and streets.” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
“Police being fully staffed.” 3/20/2024 11:06 AM
“Getting the police department back up and running right. Backing the new police chief.” 3/20/2024 09:25 AM
Q5 What are the top three challenges you think will face the new City Manager? Answered: 21 Skipped: 0
Answer Choice 1 (21 responses)
“City Council.” 3/30/2024 08:41 PM
“Lamar Thorpe Hernandez.” 3/30/2024 09:04 AM
“the mayor.” 3/30/2024 08:57 AM
“Worst crime city has ever encountered.” 3/30/2024 07:49 AM
“Working with corrupt city council’s members.” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“Transition.” 3/28/2024 05:08 PM
“City council.” 3/25/2024 11:27 PM
“Violence in community.” 3/25/2024 09:01 PM
“Homelessness.” 3/25/2024 03:01 PM
“Bad representation on the city council.” 3/23/2024 02:02 PM
“Stop the racism that the black residents create.” 3/22/2024 09:01 PM
“Budget restrictions.” 3/21/2024 08:00 AM
“Reckless driving.” 3/20/2024 07:45 PM
“Not enough police staff.” 3/20/2024 04:06 PM
“Homeless.” 3/20/2024 02:21 PM
“Homelessness.” 3/20/2024 02:12 PM
“Thorpe.” 3/20/2024 01:21 PM
“Lamar Thorpe and his oppressive nature to others.” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
“Member of the city council.” 3/20/2024 11:06 AM
“Deal with a dysfunctional city council.” 3/20/2024 09:49 AM
“The mayor and his groupies.” 3/20/2024 09:25 AM
Answer Choice 2 (21 responses)
“Police Officers Association.” 3/30/2024 08:41 PM
“Tamisha Walker Torres.” 3/30/2024 09:04 AM
“people caring more about the criminals than the law abiding citizens.” 3/30/2024 08:57 AM
“Lack of folks wanting to work for the city of Antioch due to current leadership.” 3/30/2024 07:49 AM
“Dealing with Antiochs deficit spending in a responsible way.” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“If he’s an outsider familiarity with us.” 3/28/2024 05:08 PM
“The police department.” 3/25/2024 11:27 PM
“Youth challenges.” 3/25/2024 09:01 PM
“Crime.” 3/25/2024 03:01 PM
“Homeless haven of east bay.” 3/23/2024 02:02 PM
“Implement Rank Choice Voting.” 3/22/2024 09:01 PM
“Homelessness.” 3/21/2024 08:00 AM
“Loitering: contributing to majority of theft in the neighborhoods.” 3/20/2024 07:45 PM
“Huge rise is petty crimes, burglaries of homes and cars, juvenile delinquency.” 3/20/2024 04:06 PM
“Crime.” 3/20/2024 02:21 PM
“Crime.” 3/20/2024 02:12 PM
“Wilson.” 3/20/2024 01:21 PM
“Not having the freedom to clean up the city (too much red tape and not enough support).” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
“People who don’t care about the state of the city.” 3/20/2024 11:06 AM
“Deal with a community that is not proud of its city anumore [sic].” 3/20/2024 09:49 AM
“The crime.” 3/20/2024 09:25 AM
Answer Choice 3 (19 responses)
“Back the Blue advocates.” 3/30/2024 08:41 PM
“Lack of Police.” 3/30/2024 09:04 AM
“Homeless.” 3/30/2024 08:57 AM
“A Mayor who continually ‘strong arms’ the City Manager.” 3/30/2024 07:49 AM
“Dealing with policies presented to council that is not good for the whole of Antioch.” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“Staffing city office with decent people.” 3/25/2024 11:27 PM
“Economy in Antioch.” 3/25/2024 09:01 PM
“Businesses leaving.” 3/25/2024 03:01 PM
“Economic development of a dying city.” 3/23/2024 02:02 PM
“Business closures.” 3/21/2024 08:00 AM
“Homelessness.” 3/20/2024 07:45 PM
“Homelessness and city up keeping.” 3/20/2024 04:06 PM
“Blight.” 3/20/2024 02:21 PM
“Economic development.” 3/20/2024 02:12 PM
“Walker.” 3/20/2024 01:21 PM
“The city council not supporting the new city manger [sic].” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
“Crime.” 3/20/2024 11:06 AM
“Deal with money being wasted.” 3/20/2024 09:49 AM
“Finding good people to work for the city.” 3/20/2024 09:25 AM
Q6 Do you have any other comments related to the recruitment for Antioch’s next City Manager? Answered: 15 Skipped: 6. Following are the 15 responses:
“We need a woman in this position.” 3/30/2024 08:41 PM
“pretty bad when I can’t see anything positive that this city council and mayor has done,” 3/30/2024 08:57 AM
“we have a corrupt City council, that have conspired to gerrymander, that don’t care about Brown Act Violations. Good freaking luck.” 3/30/2024 06:46 AM
“Some people can have the ambition and desire to make the city anew without a college degree. We have all seen the past folks with a degree it doesn’t mean nothing. Find someone willing to grow and learn with the community and some experience but is passionate about the job. That makes a difference.” 3/25/2024 11:27 PM
“I want someone who will be able to bring someone that can work with the community. Gap or bridge the City with other agencies in the community to help our youth, elder community, single moms, by bringing jobs, create programs for youth, community, sustainability grants to continue growing our city. We need to turn around Antioch. Antioch is becoming a hard community to live where all you see and hear about in the news is crime, death. We want to be able to have someone that can hear the community’s needs and make something happen.” 3/25/2024 09:01 PM
“Get someone who has experience with turning around a blighted and dying city. Someone who will not be influenced by the Mayor or the City Council but will just do what is right and be tough. All of the innovative programs and projects don’t matter because our city is overrun by gun violence, gang violence, drug dealing, sideshows, idiots racing through the streets on dirt bikes, shoplifting, burglary, and homeless camps everywhere! Businesses are leaving, good citizens are leaving, we are going to leave if the Mayor is reelected because he’s a bully and people can’t get things done at the City, Find a mature and tough, experienced, city manager of ANY race and ANY gender; just someone who knows how to fix these problems that are literally killing our beautiful city, don’t listen to the idiots in the city council, just tell them to pipe down and get Antioch back on its feet!! Pittsburg did it, we can too.” 3/25/2024 03:01 PM
“Good luck!” 3/23/2024 02:02 PM
“Antioch has become a hot mess. The new City Manager will have his work cut out for him. Hopefully he will get to work with a new mayor and city council that will have the city in their best interest both economically and financially. Money needs to be spent wisely and Antioch needs to be cleaned up.” 3/21/2024 08:00 AM
“This City used to feel like home and now it’s just where I live. It’s so sad to see the deterioration of this once beautiful family oriented community.” 3/20/2024 07:45 PM
“If we could please recruit someone who isn’t scared to go against the grain. Someone who isn’t a yes man. Someone who has a vision for Antioch and wants to charge those that contribute to torment of the residents. Someone who reinforces the police department and wants the best for the department to flourish and serve its residents. Someone who will utilize funds to clean the city up and make it was it was 20 years ago. Someone who will bring businesses back to life and encourage tourism. People are moving out of Antioch because of the violence and no follow through of crimes by our DA’s office. We need someone who isn’t scared and stands up against anyone in the wrong. Be a voice for us long time Antioch residents.” 3/20/2024 04:06 PM
“First and foremost we need a Mayor that stays in his own lane so the City Manager and City staff can do their jobs.” 3/20/2024 02:12 PM
“We have all been waiting a very long time. We feel broken, tired, frustrated and hopeless. Let’s hope this doesn’t end up another dead end and disappointment.” 3/20/2024 12:22 PM
“Would prefer someone not associated with any member of the current council” 3/20/2024 11:06 AM
“Be tough and not be intimidated by anything or anyone” 3/20/2024 09:49 AM
“Some one that has common sense” 3/20/2024 09:25 AM
More Questions for City Staff
Because no answers to the other questions posed to Cortez, City Attorney Smith and his staff, they were again asked the same as well as some additional questions. Those included, “Since it doesn’t show any details about the residency of the participants how did the survey ensure only Antioch residents participated? Did they have to provide their home address or mark a box confirming they are an Antioch resident? Who developed the questions?”
“Is a total of 21 participants an adequate sampling out of approximately 115,000 residents in Antioch? How many responses were you hoping for? Did the city council direct you to conduct the survey? When? Was it during public or closed session?
Finally, they were asked, “Since so few people participated, do you think in the future it would be best to send out an announcement with a link to the survey to the local media to inform the public so more people will know about it?”
But they did not respond.
When asked later for the new city manager’s start date, Ogorchock said, “October 7th is what she shared with us.”
Please check back later for any updates to this report.
OTHER UNRELATED QUESTIONS FOR THOMAS RE Former City Employees and Comments Made About Them by Councilmembers Following Separation of Employment
Thomas, regarding the comments by the mayor about both Ron Bernal and Con Johnson in which he disclosed some information regarding their employment and separation, did what he say violate their rights?
Can councilmembers speak publicly about former city employees and things that were said and done while they were still employed with the City or the reasons for their separation from employment?
the attachments to this post:
Antioch CM Survey Q3 responses chart
Antioch CM Survey Q2 responses chart
Antioch CM Survey Q2 Responses
Antioch CM Survey Q1 Responses