Apply today to serve on the Antioch Economic Development, Planning Commissions
Help make a difference in your city
Deadlines: Sept. 27 & Oct. 25
The City of Antioch urges residents to become involved in their local community! One way to do so is to serve on the various Boards, Commissions, and Committees. Any interested resident is encouraged to apply for the vacancies by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline below.
EXTENDED Deadline: Friday, Sept. 27, 2024, at 5:00 PM
Two (2) vacancies, expiring June 2025
Three (3) vacancies, expiring June 2027
One (1) Chamber of Commerce vacancy, expiring June 2027
This Commission advises the city council on proposals and programs to help develop, retain, expand and attract businesses in and to Antioch and create jobs in the city. Commissioners hold one public meeting each month and work with the Economic Development Director.
Deadline: Friday, Oct. 25, 2024, at 5:00 PM
Two (2) vacancies, expiring October 2028
The Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the City Council on the physical development of the City: all provisions of the General Plan, land use, and zoning as specified by the Zoning Code, and as set forth in the State Government Code and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Commission also reviews site plans, architectural design, signs, or other exterior design features of new and remodeled buildings.
Commissioners hold two public meetings each month and work with City Planning Staff.
To be considered for the vacancy positions listed above, please fill out an application available on the City’s website at Printed applications are also available at Antioch City Hall, 200 H Street in Rivertown.
Please return the completed application by the deadline date listed above, by email to:
You can also drop off the application (Attn: City Clerk), in the water billing drop-off box outside Antioch City Hall. The mayor will nominate those he chooses to the city council for a public vote during one of their meetings.
the attachments to this post:
Antioch Commission Appointments