Antioch Salutes Ceremony to honor local high school grads heading for the military June 8

Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe invites the public to join him for the first Antioch Salutes Ceremony that honors high school graduates who have chosen to serve our nation in the United States Armed Forces and become part of the 1% of Americans who serve in military uniform.

The ceremony will include entertainment and refreshments. Several elected city officials, military officers and Armed Forces veterans will be in attendance.

Student enlistees will be sworn in, receive a special Certificate of Commendation from the mayor and a special Thank You for their service to the nation.

The event will be held at Noon on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at 101 Waldie Plaza across from City Hall in Antioch’s historic, downtown Rivertown. To register for the free event visit Antioch SALUTES Tickets on Eventbrite.

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US Armed Forces ensignias wide

US Armed Forces ensignias

Red Navy Modern Memorial Day Flyer

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