Antioch Police Captain Schnitzius retires

By Antioch Police Department
After 25 years of distinguished law enforcement service, Captain Trevor Schnitzius retired on August 4, 2023.
Trevor grew up and attended school in the City of Vallejo where he threw shot put and discus for his high school track team. After high school, he attended Diablo Valley College, where he earned an Associate’s degree before transferring to CSU Sacramento. There, he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.
Trevor was hired by the City of Antioch in 1998, shortly after graduating from Sacramento State, as a police trainee and attended the Police Academy at Los Medanos College. While many of Trevor’s family members chose to serve as firefighters, he found police work to be more interesting and exciting and chose Antioch.
During his service with APD, he has worked patrol, as a Detective, as a Field Training Officer, as a member of our Honor Guard, a defensive tactics instructor and as a member of our social media team. Trevor has served as our VIPS Coordinator as well as being heavily involved with our Cadet program for over 18 years (his oldest son also served as a Police Cadet and is now a Community Service Officer). Trevor is also involved in his community and has also coached water polo and wrestling.
We wish Trevor plenty of time with his family in retirement and we will deeply miss someone who has been such a big part of this department for so long.
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