Owner of Monica’s Riverview responds to fatal shooting following event at her restaurant

Cancelling all afterhours events for now, will focus on family-oriented events
By Allen D. Payton
In posts on the Monica’s Riverview Instagram page over the weekend, Monica Barajas responded to the fatal shooting that occurred early Saturday morning, July 15, 2023 near her Antioch restaurant, Monica’s Riverview where a Club Night entitled “RnB and Chill” was held. She then shared more about the event, what was done to provide necessary on-site security, and discussions with police prior to the night of the event, as well as plans for the future at the newest hot spots in the Rivertown Dining District and Antioch as a whole.
The initial post on Saturday reads: “We are extremely saddened by the events that transpired after RnB & Chill and we want to send our love & support to anyone who was affected by the altercation that took place in the surrounding areas of our business last night. We are heartbroken with you and we wanted nothing more than to provide you a safe place for [sic] to enjoy yourself in your city. Although we cannot control the actions of others, we will do everything in our power to continue to provide a safe place for our community.
All afterhours events are cancelled for the foreseeable future, while our policies are being reviewed. We will be focusing on more family oriented events.”
On Sunday, Barajas commented and pinned it below the post. Her comment reads, “Thank you everyone for your thoughts. I’m from Pinole, grew up in the bay, and its sad to me that people have given up on the idea and the possibility that we can have these things. I have been working and serving the public all my life. I never opened this place thinking to myself, “I’m going to make this a club”. The vibe at Monica’s happened organically, and yes we expanded on it bc fr (because for real) people wanted it, folks want to stay and have fun in their own communities. I love my customers, they’re my family and it’s very personal to me, always has been. People who truly know me, know my heart. My heart is broken for the families of those who didn’t make it home. As tragic and horrific as this was I will not let it define me or Monica’s. We will continue to serve this community with love and respect. I just wish everyone could see the vision I have for this waterfront from Stockton all the way to Pt Richmond, thriving businesses and restaurants and people coming together having fun in their backyard. We deserve that, Antioch deserves it, and I won’t give up on it. 🙏🏻✌🏻❤️Monica”
Monica’s Riverview is located at One I Street, in Antioch’s historic, downtown Rivertown. For more information and their menu go to www.visitmonicas.com.
the attachments to this post:
Monica’s Riverview & Monica Barajas respond 07-15 & 16-23