Acting Antioch city manager appoints acting assistant city manager, acting community development director

Brad Helfenberger. Source: LinkedIn

By Allen D. Payton

The constantly changing maneuverings in the City of Antioch staff leadership positions continued recently as the Herald learned, today, Wednesday, July 26, 2023, that Acting City Manager Kwame Reed has appointed Parks & Recreation Director Brad Helfenberger as Acting Assistant City Manager. In addition, during Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Mayor Lamar Thorpe mentioned Kevin Scudero as the Acting Community Development Director. Reed confirmed on Wednesday he had appointed Scudero, who is a Senior Planner with the City, to the position.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Scudero has worked for the City for 20 years, first as an Associate Planner beginning in July 2003, then in his current position as of June 2021.

Helfenberger said his appointment was effective June 26, the Monday after Reed was appointed by the city council to his position, in addition to his role as the City’s Economic Development Director. As previously reported, that was Forrest Ebbs’ last day as acting city manager, before he left for a two-week vacation. His final day as community development director was July 14.

According to Helfenberger’s LinkedIn profile, he has been in his current position with the City’s Recreation Department since February 2021. Previously, he worked for the City of Emeryville, first as Recreation Supervisor for almost four  years, then as the Recreation Manager from May 2014 until he was hired by Antioch.

“I’m happy to serve however I can best help the City,” Helfenberger said when reached for comment.

The three acting positions are in addition to Acting Public Works Director Scott Buenting and as of August 12, the appointment of an acting police chief following the retirement of current Chief Steve Ford on the 11th. The City is also currently without an assistant city attorney.

No photo could be found of the obviously camera-shy Scudero but an effort is underway to obtain one.

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Brad Helfenberger

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