CalFresh offers food assistance to Contra Costa residents

During their meeting on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, the Board of Supervisors approved a proclamation declaring May as CalFresh Awareness Month (See below)
More Contra Costa County residents are encouraged to apply for the food assistance program.
CalFresh food benefits stretch household budgets, enabling recipients to afford nutritious food, including more fruits, vegetables, and other healthy options. In Contra Costa County, 93,169 Contra Costa County residents are receiving CalFresh as of March 2023. But many more may be eligible. Learn more, including how to apply, at

CalFresh Facts:
- CalFresh Food benefits can be used at most grocery stores and even select online retailers; and matched dollar for dollar at participating farmers markets.
- Adults 18 years or older can be eligible for CalFresh, and may apply on behalf of their children, including non-citizen parents who may apply on behalf of their U.S.-born children.
- CalFresh benefits have contributed $297 million to our economy from April 2022 through March 2023 in Contra Costa County.
CalFresh Awareness Month news cards are posted on and on the County website. Also, social media posts @ContraCostaEHSD on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.

Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors
Proclaiming May 2023 as CalFresh Awareness Month
WHEREAS, CalFresh food benefits stretch household budgets, enabling recipients to afford nutritious food, including more fruits, vegetables, and other healthy options; and
WHEREAS, encouraging eligible residents to enroll in the CalFresh program will increase the health and well-being of eligible families and individuals by helping provide a means to meet their nutritional needs; and
WHEREAS, EHSD’s community partnerships, including the Food Bank of Contra Costa County and Solano, help raise awareness and visibility of CalFresh; and
WHEREAS, adults 18 years or older can be eligible for CalFresh, and may apply on behalf of their children, including non-citizen parents who may apply on behalf of their U.S.-born children; and
WHEREAS, CalFresh Food benefits can be used at most grocery stores and even select online retailers; and matched dollar for dollar at participating farmers markets; and
WHEREAS, 93,169 Contra Costa County residents are receiving CalFresh as of March 2023; and
WHEREAS, CalFresh benefits have contributed $297 million to our economy from April 2022 through March 2023 in Contra Costa County; and
WHEREAS, Contra Costa County is one of 34 counties in the state to offer the CalFresh Employment and Training Program, providing CalFresh participants training and assistance towards job readiness, job security, work norms and access to higher education; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors does hereby proclaim May 2023 as CalFresh Awareness Month in Contra Costa County, and honors all of the individuals, organizations and agencies working to ensure that all County residents have access to safe, nutritious food and support in achieving sustainable economic health.

the attachments to this post:
CDSS-SMOA-FY22-01 Info Card_v5.indd
CDSS-SMOA-FY22-01 Info Card_v5.indd