Antioch-Chichibu Sister City Organization to hold Park Day and Community Garage Sale May 20

Introduces 2023 Student Delegates
The Antioch-Chichibu Sister City Organization is excited to announce that we are back! After a short hiatus due to travel restrictions related to the pandemic, we are up and running again!
The Antioch/Chichibu Sister City Organization is a volunteer, non-profit organization comprised of interested citizens in both cities.
We are hosting a fun filled day at Chichibu Park on May 20th from 10am-3pm. Our activities will include a park clean up, fun kids’ games, snacks for sale, voting on our new organization logo, as well as local vendors and a community garage sale. We are still accepting vendors and garage sellers. We look forward to meeting and sharing information about our organization with many community members on Saturday!
The purpose of the organization is to give citizens of Antioch and Chichibu the opportunity to experience each other’s country and culture. The benefits of our program include the making of many friends between the two cities. We alternate years with Chichibu to send delegations to each other’s city for a roughly two-week home-stay. We last hosted our friends from Chichibu in 2018! This being an odd year, it is our turn to send a delegation to Chichibu. Our visit is scheduled for July 13th to the 23rd.
We have elected a new board: President Antwon Webster, Vice President Jessica Davis, Treasurer Jim Davis, Secretary Grace Mangaoang, Public Relations Abe Rodriguez, Board Member Cheryll Newberry, Board Member Margaret Skupa.

Our student delegates are: Noah Engle-Senior Antioch High, CoraRose Adams-Junior Antioch High, Albert Wong-Junior Antioch High, Abigail Monfil-Sophomore Antioch High, Madilyn Davis-Sophomore Antioch High, Haylee Wong-Sophomore Clayton Valley Charter High, Zion Engle-Sophomore Prospects High, Hillary Tam-Freshman Dozier Libby High, Alexander Ferguson-8th Grade Antioch Charter Academy
Our adult delegates are Antwon Webster, Jessica Davis, Cheryll Newberry, Grace Mangaoang, Abe Rodriguez and Tom Stinson.
the attachments to this post:
A-Ch SCO 2023 Student Delegates
A-Ch SCO Park Day & Garage Sale