Antioch’s 2022 Non-Profit of the Year is Delta Learning Center

At the annual Antioch Chamber of Commerce Gala on Friday, March 24, 2023, Executive Director read the following about the 2022 Antioch Non-Profit of the Year: “Delta Learning Center offers tutoring in Antioch. It assists many students in achieving academic excellence while providing assurance to families that their children are given a professional and valuable educational experience. They also work with placement in colleges and universities and aid adults with employment or advancement testing.
It is to our city’s benefit that we continue to offer quality tutoring and educational services to students who will later be the future leaders in this area. Their success becomes our success!
As a community, we gladly thank you tonight for all you have done over the years.”
“On behalf of the Delta Learning Center I would like to thank all of our donors. We would not be here without them,” said Executive Director Kimberly Ahumada who was joined by board and staff members as well as volunteer tutors. “A big part of our tutoring, of course, is our tutors. We would not be here without them.”
“Our board members put in a lot of work…to keep DLC afloat during the pandemic. I would really like to thank Martha (Goralka). She has given numerous hours. We owe a big thank you to her for all of her help. We are honored to have this award,”
Allen D. Payton contributed to this report which first appeared in our April/May print edition.
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