East County filmmaker to host SFO Short Film Festival at Antioch’s El Campanil Theatre Oct. 28-29
Founder of Studentfilmsonline.com platform brings competition to her hometown
Submissions accepted through Sept. 30
East County filmmaker Sophia Rivera is bringing the SFO Short Film Festival to her hometown at Antioch’s El Campanil Theatre in historic downtown Rivertown on October 28-29, 2022.
The festival is a LIVE event dedicated to showcasing short films created by college film students, high school students, and independent filmmakers locally in the Bay Area and across the U.S. Studentfilmsonline.com was founded in 2011 by Rivera who wanted to give back to the community. Its mission is to encourage networking and motivate emerging filmmakers to create more content, as well as to promote a career in filmmaking and talent through screenings.
Genres include: Short Drama/Action/Crime/Thriller; Short Comedy/Romance; Short Horror/Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Documentary and Short Animation.
Short film category submissions include: 1) Independent Filmmaker Short Film 2) SFO Film Student Challenge Competition and 3) High School Short Film Competition
Short Film Category Award for Best Film: Independent Filmmaker Short Film Award $300, High School Short Film Competition Award $250, and SFO Film Student Challenge Competition Award $500
SFO Short Film Festival is still accepting submissions until September 30, 2022.
Films can be submitted by visiting filmfreeway.com/SFOShortFilmFestival.
If you wish to attend the event tickets are available at ElCampanilTheatre.com. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, contact customerservice@studentfilmsonline.com.
El Campanil is a classic theatre with food concession available. We hope you will come join us and share in this festive event.
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