Meals on Wheels seeking donations to support March for Meals serving seniors

Part of 50th anniversary celebration of the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program

This is the last week of March for Meals, a month-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program. It is also the fourth week of our March Safety Bag Madness to collect items to fill a bag for our seniors to have on hand in case of power outages, fires, or an earthquake.

Even though the challenge for the brackets is coming to an end, as is March for Meals, we still need more items to fill 1,000 bags! So please consider donating these essential safety items throughout the month of April, too:

  • Non-slip socks
  • Whistles
  • Small flashlights with batteries
  • Extra batteries
  • Small garbage bags
  • Hand and toe warmers
  • Band-aids, gauze, and alcohol wipes
  • Glow sticks
  • Hand sanitizer

Items can be purchased through Amazon or other retailers and shipped directly to us or can be dropped off at our office at 1300 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek. To arrange a drop-off time, please call us at 925-937-8607.

For those who are participating in our March Madness Brackets, below are the target numbers for this week’s donation goals:

Week 4: Donate 20+ items

  • Donation example: 3 packs of batteries + 3 flashlights + 4 hand sanitizers + 24 packs of non-slip socks = 34 items

The seniors in our community are the most vulnerable among us and depend on MOW Diablo Region for meals to keep them from going hungry, and our supportive services keep them healthy and less isolated.

Providing them with safety bags ensures that we can keep our seniors safe in case of a natural disaster, but we can only do it with your help!

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