Antioch resident demands city council rescind approval of redistricting maps

Approval by a majority of Antioch City Councilmembers of redistricting Draft Map A – Modified is being challenged by an Antioch resident.
Sends Notice of Potential Litigation including a Demand of Action
Wants process sent to Superior Court; not on Tuesday council meeting agenda
By Allen D. Payton
Following the Antioch City Council finalizing their redistricting process on Friday, March 11, with a majority of members voting to adopt a politically drawn, gerrymandered map of council districts, Antioch resident and business owner Mark Jordan sent a letter to the council members demanding they rescind their decisions and send the process to the Superior Court and threatening a lawsuit if they don’t. (See related article)
Following is a copy of Jordan’s letter:
March 15, 2022
City of Antioch
Mayor and Council Members
200 H Street
Antioch, CA 94509
Redistricting / Map Selection / City of Antioch
Mayor and Council Members,
This NOTICE will serve to inform you that as a resident and citizen of the City of Antioch I challenge the process you have conducted to select the Redistricting Map for the City of Antioch in 2022.
I challenge Maps selected by the Council commonly known as; Map A Draft and Map A Draft Modified. I state and claim you are in violation of your Oaths of Office, the California Government Code and the California Elections Code.
- You AGENDA the Rescission of both selections of Map A Draft and Map A Draft Modified at the next Council meeting not later than March 22, 2022.
- VOTE to rescind approval of both gerrymandered maps which you have selected, which exist approved by the Council in conflict with each other.
- You MOVE to deliver the entire process of the selection of the Antioch Redistricting Map to the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Contra Costa notifying the Court that the City of Antioch is unable to complete the process of redistricting in a manner that is not gerrymandered. This DEMAND of delivery to the Superior Court is made pursuant to Elections Code Section 21609.
- On January 25, 2022 the Council decided on two final maps (Map B and Map 91) stating to the public that one of the two would be the Final Redistricting Map.
- On February 8, 2022 the Council rejected both Maps they had decided were the two final Maps and there was no vote to rescind the previous selection of the final maps.
- On February 22, 2022 the Council returned Map A Draft to consideration without a motion.
- On February 22, 2022 members of the Council including the Mayor actively modified Map A Draft in a gerrymandered manner to create Map A Draft Modified.
- On March 8, 2022 the Council selected Map A Draft, a gerrymandered map.
- On March 11, 2022 the Council selected Map A Draft Modified without a motion to rescind Map A Draft. Map A Draft Modified is a gerrymandered map.
You have moved off the two final maps selected January 25, 2022 without properly voting to reconsider rejected maps. You have currently approved two conflicting Maps without rescinding a previous action; the selection of Map A Draft on March 8, 2022.
The Council has and remains in violation of Elections Code Section 21601, subsections 1 through 4 inclusive, by selections of both Map A Draft and Map A Draft Modified because neither map meets the requirements of the Elections Code and both are gerrymandered.
If you fail to take the aforementioned DEMANDED ACTIONS I will move to seek immediate judicial relief including but not limited to a stay of your decisions concerning redistricting, a revocation of any Map you have selected along with seeking any attorney’s fees and costs for your violations of the Government Code and Elections Code. I will further request any other relief the Court may choose to award.
Your immediate attention to this MATTER and DEMAND of action is required.
Mark Jordan
Cc: City Attorney, City Clerk
Via: USPS and email
Next Tuesday’s council meeting agenda released on Friday, March 18 does not include the action demanded by Jordan.
the attachments to this post:
ACC Draft Map A – Modified & judge’s gavel