Antioch’s Mau Loa Ohana Hula and Tahitian Dance Studio reopens with exciting night of Polynesian dancing, surprises

Mau Loa Ohana dancers Dec. 2019. Source: Mau Loa Ohana
See unique costumes by Antioch designer
After a nearly two-year hiatus, due to COVID-19, the troupe of Polynesian dancers from the Mau Loa Ohana Hula and Tahitian Dance Studio in Antioch, owned and operated by Monique Castaneda, is returning to the stage for a very special night of exciting entertainment and everyone is invited to attend.
Please join us on Saturday evening, October 23, 2021, at the Liberty High School Theater in Brentwood, for an evening filled with exciting Polynesian music and dancing along with a very special treat for everyone who attends. The doors open at 7:00 PM and the show starts at 7:30 PM. (Facemasks are required.) Tickets are $15.00 per person and can be purchased at the dance studio located at 1360 Sunset Drive in Antioch. (just a couple doors down from Aladino’s Pizza) or you can call them at (925) 550-8155.
This event is very special because Castaneda and the Mau Loa Ohana dancers have recently teamed up with an extraordinary costume designer from Antioch, Julie Carlson of Outside of the Box Costume and Apparel Designs. She, like Castaneda used to be a Tahitian dancer herself and they will be presenting something extra special to the audience that evening.
Carlson has created an extremely unique Tahitian dance costume design. It will be the first time anyone has publicly debuted a Tahitian dance costume that incorporates this unique feature, giving the entire dance a new look and feel. Carlson looked everywhere to see if anyone else has done anything like this and could not find anything that is even remotely like her new design. Prepare yourselves to be wowed!
For years, Castaneda had been dreaming that someday, someone would create such a costume. Throughout the years, Castaneda and her dance teams tried to come up with a way of creating a costume with these unique features, but alas, they couldn’t quite figure out how to make it happen.
The exact same story was true for Carlson but when she recently returned from a vacation in Hawaii this past July, she was once again inspired to try to bring her vision of this unique and new Tahitian dance costume design into reality. And it appears that Carlson finally figured how to do it. She then contacted Castaneda and they set up a time to meet each other for the very first time. We’ll see what happens next. But both women think, with the help of the Mau Loa Ohana dancers, this exciting new costume design will, as they say, “go viral”.
Liberty High School is located at 850 2nd Street in Brentwood.
See you on the 23rd!
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Mau Loa Ohana dancers Dec 2019