Voter registration for governor’s recall election closes Monday
By Dawn Kruger, Civic Outreach/Engagement Specialist Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder-Elections Department
Contra Costa County—Debi Cooper, County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters announced today that the close of registration for the upcoming September 14, 2021 Gubernatorial Recall election is fast approaching on August 30th.
“This is the deadline for voters to register to be sent an Official Ballot in the mail and be provided their assigned polling place information if they choose to vote in person on Election Day,” she said. “After this date, voters will be required to register and vote in person.”
Register to Vote:
Voters can register to vote most conveniently online at, or complete a voter registration card available at most post offices, city halls, and libraries throughout the county. Online registration must be completed before midnight. Paper registration cards must be postmarked by August 30th.
To be eligible to vote in this election, a registered voter must be a U.S. Citizen, at least 18 years of age by Election Day, a resident of the state, and not currently serving a federal or state prison term for the conviction of a felony.
You must update your registration if you have moved or changed your name (married, divorced, etc.).
You can check your voter registration status online at by clicking on the “My Voting Information” button.
After the August 30th registration deadline, new voters will be required to register and vote in person at one of the County’s early voting sites, the Elections Division in Martinez, or at a polling place on Election Day. Cooper’s advice: “Register early so you will receive a ballot in the mail. If you choose to vote in-person, already being registered will speed up the process at your polling place on Election Day.”
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