Video of incident with student at Antioch High prompts principal’s response

Both Antioch School Board President Householder, Councilwoman Torres-Walker post video before details were known

By Allen Payton

Following the posting of a TikTok video on Facebook of a police incident with a recent student at Antioch High School, Principal Louie Rocha sent out an email to parents providing more details. Both school board president Ellie Householder and District 1 Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker posted the video on their official Facebook pages, without providing details. (WARNING: explicit language in video)

Rocha’s email to parents reads as follows:

“This weekend, a social media post circulated regarding an August 27th incident at Antioch High School.
School personnel have a duty to intervene when a student threatens harm to other students, themselves, or staff. Unfortunately, on Friday, a student threatened to do harm to an entire class, attacked another student, and became physical with staff despite repeated attempts to deescalate the student. At that time, a trained safety officer restrained the student and Antioch Police Department was called.

Unfortunately, when officers arrived, the student continued to resist instructions and was subsequently arrested.

While the situation is unfortunate, we take the safety of all students extremely seriously and cannot allow one student to threaten the safety of others. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Louie Rocha


Householder’s post of the video on her official Facebook page on Saturday, Aug. 28.

Householder posted the following comment with the video. “Thank you to the parents, students, and community members who reached out to bring my attention to a recent TikTok post. In it, a video appears to show an altercation between a student and safety personnel at what looks like Antioch High School. While I don’t know the details surrounding this footage, historically, we know that disciplinary practices have been unfairly applied to Black male students. That is why I take this video and the allegations of excessive force against an AUSD student very, very seriously. I will follow up with folks once I learn more information.”

With her post of the video Torres-Walker wrote, “First I would like to thank the community members who reached out to me regarding this event.

I have no idea what led up to what seems like a very traumatic event to witness for students at Antioch High school and it is unacceptable for any student to have to face this kind of unnecessary treatment after being what seems to be fully subdued by force in an academic setting. I know that the city has no power or authority over how the school district handles its business and as a mother, this short video footage deeply concerns me.

If this video is as disturbing to watch for you as it was for me I would contact the school board president and the superintendent of the Antioch Unified School District and demand some answers.

Torres-Walker’s post of the AHS video on her official Facebook page on Saturday, Aug. 28.

School Board President

Ellie Householder


Stephanie Anello

(925) 779-7500 Ext. 55100

It is my understanding that the Antioch Police Department was present on the scene I am withholding judgment until I received information as to what led up to the event and the aftermath.
This is not okay!!!”

UPDATE: According to Lt. Bittner of the Antioch Police Department’s Community Policing Bureau, “On August 27, 2021 at approximately 11:21 AM, a staff member at Antioch High School called the Antioch Police Department to report a fight on campus. Antioch Police Officers arrived within several minutes and located two security guards holding a student down on the ground in the quad area of the school. Several Antioch Police Officers assisted the security guards in placing the student in handcuffs. The student was ultimately placed under arrest and transported to the Antioch Police Department for assaulting a school employee, fighting on a school campus, and resisting or delaying an arrest.”

According to an official who chose to not be identified, the student was wearing a grill on his teeth that included fangs and he was trying to bite people.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Antioch Police Department non-emergency line at (925) 778-2441. You may also text-a-tip to 274637 (CRIMES) using the key word ANTIOCH.

the attachments to this post:

Torres-Walker’s post re AHS video

Householder’s post re AHS video

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