Partisan politics injected into non-partisan races in Antioch

The endorsements in Antioch races by both the county parties.
By Allen Payton
Throughout this year’s campaigns for what are supposed to be non-partisan offices, partisan politics have been injected repeatedly, resulting in hypocritical accusations by one candidate and complaints by the county’s Democratic Party and its leader, Maria Alegria. In one email she attacked the county’s Republican Party, the Antioch Police Officers Association, and one candidate for Antioch City Council.
In an email sent out by candidate for Antioch mayor, Lamar Thorpe on Oct. 10, he complained that his opponent, incumbent Mayor Sean Wright’s campaign had put out a mailer to Democrats writing, “WOW!!! Last week TRUMP REPUBLICAN candidates like my opponent Mayor Sean Wright wanted you to believe they were Democrats. They are not.” (See related article)
Yet, in a mailer received in October, Thorpe’s name and information appear on a Republican slate mailer, which his campaign paid to be on, along with Monica Wilson who is running for re-election to the Antioch City Council for a third term, and Antioch School Board Trustee Crystal Sawyer-White running for a second term, both of whom are registered Democrats.

In fact, Sawyer-White wrote on her Facebook page about one of her opponents, Dr. Clyde Lewis, Jr. that someone named Debra should vote for her because he’s a Republican. Lewis is actually an independent, registered Decline To State.

Screenshot of Crystal Sawyer-White’s post on her Facebook page with false information about one of her opponents, Clyde Lewis who is registered Decline To State.
County Democratic Party Leader Decounces “Misleading Campaign Mailers”
In an email on Oct. 22, María Alegría, Chair of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County (DPCCC), “representing over 360,000 registered voters in Contra Costa County,” denounced what she labeled as “misleading campaign mailers targeting endorsed Democratic candidates and voters.”
“In one of the most consequential elections for our nation, the Contra Costa Republican Party, their candidates and allies including the Antioch Police Officers’ Association, are spinning their own fake news aimed at confusing and deceiving voters. With mailers filled with smears, lies and unauthorized use of our official logo, they have attacked Democratic candidates and targeted Democratic voters to intentionally mislead them. We cannot stand by and let our democratic process be hijacked by unethical candidates, political consultants and groups that will stop at nothing to protect and serve their own power and self-interest.
These attack pieces are showing up in the cities of Antioch, Hercules, San Pablo and Walnut Creek. I urge voters to reject this type of political propaganda which disparages and maligns our candidates and undermines voter confidence,” says DPCCC Chair María Alegría.
The Democratic Party of Contra Costa County (DPCCC) has a lengthy endorsement process that includes a questionnaire and interview for Democratic candidates. The DPCCC endorsement also carries the endorsement seal of the California Democratic Party.
“Voters are tired of politicians and their consultants engaging in this kind of deceitful campaigning.” I encourage every voter to research the candidates before voting. Voters deserve to know the truth and have access to good information.” To learn more about the DPCCC’s endorsed candidates visit
In another email from Alegría on Oct. 13 she wrote that she denounced a “misleading campaign mailer by Mike Barbanica, a candidate for Antioch City Council, District 2.”
“In one of the most consequential national elections for Democrats, Mike Barbanica sent out a misleading mailer with his photo alongside Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris, and a headline ‘Let’s Do This’,” the press release reads.
“The Democratic Party of Contra Costa County (DPCCC) has a lengthy endorsement process that includes a questionnaire and interview for Democratic candidates. The DPCCC endorsement also carries the endorsement seal of the California Democratic Party. The DPCCC endorsed candidate for Antioch City Council District 2 is Tony Tiscareno.
Tiscareno has also earned the endorsement of the Contra Costa Young Democrats and the Marsh Creek Democratic Club. Tiscareno was endorsed by his peers because he embraces our ideals including eliminating inherent bias in city policies, addressing homelessness, and encouraging economic development and the creation of good-paying jobs for local residents.
I encourage every voter to do their research on candidates before voting. Voters are tired of politicians engaging in this kind of deceitful campaigning.” To learn more about the DPCCC’s endorsed candidates visit”
No Proof Provided
However, when asked for a copy of the Barbanica mailer, Alegria responded “I will look for it,” but never provided one. Asked if the party also denounced Wright, who is a registered Republican, and Antioch Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock, who is a registered member of the American Independent Party, the old George Wallace party, and running for re-election in District 3, for their mailers to Democrats, Alegria responded, “I issued a statement on the DPCCC’s official (Facebook) page.”
However, it was a broad statement not mentioning either mailer from Wright’s or Ogorchock’s campaigns.
Alegria was also asked to provide the other mailers she referred to but didn’t. However, the mailer sent out by Wright’s campaign had been included in a previous Herald article.
In addition, Ogorchock’s campaign sent out a mailer that was shared with the Herald, showing her photo next to photos of both Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris with the words, “LET’S DO THIS on NOVEMBER 3rd!” and “Why Antioch Democrats are Voting for Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock.”

Photo of Ogorchock campaign mailer tying herself to the Biden and Harris Democratic presidential ticket. Photographer chose not to be identified.
Republicans Also Endorse in Non-Partisan Races
The county Republicans have also endorsed candidates in Antioch races, including Wright for Mayor, Arne Simonsen for re-election as City Clerk and George Young for Antioch School Board in Area 1. A graphic posted on the Contra Costa County Republican Party’s website also takes a swipe at 12 candidates for local office in Antioch which reads, “Don’t vote for these Democratic Socialists” and includes a photo of Bernie Sanders and a quote of him, “Many of the ideas we fought for, that just a few years ago were considered radical, are now mainstream.”
Matt Shupe, Chairman of the county party was asked why the party is endorsing in non-partisan races and why the party would label Sandra White, who is running for the Antioch City Council in District 4 against incumbent Wilson, a Democratic Socialist when she’s rather conservative being pro-police and pro-business and if anyone from the party had spoken with her.
“I love supporting good, local Republicans,” He responded. “If you’re a Bay Area politician or candidate who is a Democrat in 2020, but is pro-business, pro-police, and anti-socialism you’re either registered with the wrong party or only registered as a Democrat thinking it will help you get elected. We’re happy to reregister you and join the thousands of Contra Costa Dems who have done so this year.”
In response, White, who is a registered Democrat, said she votes independently for the individual not the party.

Contra Costa Republican Party endorsements in Antioch races.
Endorsed Democrats Versus Other Democratic Candidates
In a Sept. 19 post on the East Contra Costa Democratic Club’s Facebook page, a graphic was posted showing endorsements for seven local candidates, including four in Antioch races. It was posted again on Oct. 8 and 11 that reads, “East County Democrats Support & Endorse”.
In a post on Sunday, Oct. 26 on the county Democratic Party’s Facebook page it reads, “Hey Antioch – here are your REAL endorsed Democrat candidates for City offices!” and includes a graphic that shows photos of six Antioch candidates for mayor, city council and city clerk that the Democratic Central Committee has endorsed in this year’s elections. The graphic reads “Antioch’s Real Democrats”. One of the photos is of Tamisha Walker who is running against incumbent Joy Motts who is also a Democrat, according to texts sent out to Antioch residents supporting her campaign.

Antioch candidates endorsed by the county Democratic Party posted on their Facebook page on Oct. 26, 2020.
Antioch Resident Doesn’t Like Partisan Texts
In a message to the Herald on Oct. 5, Antioch resident Garrett Bruce wrote about text messages he had received including one for Joy Motts from State Senator Steve Glazer, Supervisor Federal Glover and Councilman Lamar Thorpe.

Screenshot of text from Joy Motts’ campaign received by Antioch resident Garrett Bruce on Oct. 5, 2020.
“I have received an email from Ellie Householder and Lamar Thorpe’s text for another candidate,” Bruce wrote. “These are really non-partisan positions and why would one candidate only send to certain people? They are only directed at Dems and not all.”
He then received another message on Oct. 29, from a Chicago telephone number, asking him to vote for Joy Motts that reads she’s a “lifelong Antioch resident and Democrat.”

Screenshot of another text from Joy Motts’ campaign received by Garrett Bruch on Oct. 29, 2020.
What Secretary of State Says
On the California Secretary of State’s website regarding Non-Partisan Offices in the state, which is referring to the statewide position of Superintendent of Public Instruction and county offices, it reads:
“Non-Partisan Offices
Political parties are not entitled to nominate candidates for nonpartisan offices at the primary election, and a candidate at the primary election is not the official nominee of any party for the specific office at the general election. A candidate for nomination to a nonpartisan office may not designate his or her party preference, or lack of party preference, on the ballot. The top two vote-getters at the primary election move on to the general election for the nonpartisan office.”
However, that doesn’t prevent candidates for non-partisan office from receiving and announcing partisan endorsements or mentioning their party affiliation. It’s just not listed on the ballot.
The election is tomorrow.
the attachments to this post:
Sawyer-White FB message re Clyde Lewis
Joy Motts Democrat text message 10-5-20
Joy Motts Democrat text message 10-29-20
East County Democrats endorsements 09-19-20
Antioch’s Real Democrats DPCCC FB post 10-26-20
Ogorchock mailer Biden & Harris