Coyote Hills Outdoor Summer Day Camps 2020 in Antioch begin soon

School-age youth are invited to join the Recreation Department for Coyote Hills Outdoor Summer Day Camps starting the week of June 29th and continuing through July 2020! Staff has developed comprehensive camp safety guidelines based upon National guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the American Camping Association. Protective measures for staff and campers, includes thorough pre-screening measures, separating groups of campers, and modifying camp activities.

Campers will still enjoy an outstanding Coyote Hills Camp experience each week with a fun new theme in the great outdoors at Prewett Park on Lone Tree Way next to the Antioch Community Center and Antioch Water Park and across from Deer Valley High School. All games and activities have been developed to meet current health guidelines including social distancing.

Many seasoned camp staff are returning to camp this summer and look forward to seeing campers and families! Registration is now open online only at For general information summer recreation programs and reopening plans call the Antioch Recreation Department at 925-776-3050.

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