Six arrests in Antioch Friday night for stolen cars and motorcycle, parole violation, arson

Two of the six arrests and the stolen motorcycle recovered Friday night, May 1, 2020. By APD.
By Antioch Police Department
Gooooooood Morning Antioch and fans of Antioch PD!!! APD Night Shift was SUPER excited to follow our Chief’s latest directive to resume proactive policing. Last night, Friday, May 1, 2020, we made 34 traffic stops, 14 suspicious vehicle contacts, and five pedestrian stops. The result? We recovered three stolen vehicles, made six arrests, and wrote several traffic citations on James Donlon, Gentrytown and Somersville (including one for doing 76 MPH in a 45!)

Photo by APD.
Here are the highlights:
Around midnight, an officer attempted a traffic stop on a car for several vehicle code violations, but he decided he didn’t wanna pull over like you’re supposed to, and led us on a slow-speed roll to an alleyway off Lemontree Way. The driver, who had a suspended license, was placed under arrest and the vehicle was impounded to car jail.
Shortly before 1 am, an officer patrolling East 18th Street and Marie Avenue saw a subject on a bicycle acting suspiciously. When the officer stopped to have a chat with the fella, he had a really hard time remembering how to spell his name, which set off a few alarm bells. The forgetful felon decided he would hop on his bike and lead our copper on a little chase, however, this officer never skips the gym or cardio days, and was able to halt his failed application at social-distancing. After learning his real name, he was found to have a warrant for parole violation, and given a location to shelter in-place at the County Jail.
An about 2:20 am, a southeast officer spotted a stolen Porsche on Highway 4 headed toward Oakley. Thanks to a little help from our friends at the City of Oakley Police Department, we stopped the vehicle in their city, placing the driver under arrest, with a reservation to shelter in-place at the County Jail.
At about 3:30 am, an officer patrolling Auto Center Drive near Century Blvd. spotted a motorcycle with no license plates, and stopped to have a chat. The seemingly minor traffic violation turned into a full-blown investigation when officers noticed the vehicle identification number (“VIN”) was scratched off. After some ingenuity, officers found a hidden VIN after removing a few of the motorcycle parts. It was then, we learned the motorcycle was stolen from Walnut Creek. The driver of said motorcycle had a warrant for his arrest, and was brought to the County Jail to learn about sheltering in-place.

A ConFire firefighter extinguishes one of three fires in Antioch Friday night, May 1, 2020. Photos by APD.
And last – but not least, at about 5:20 am, an officer patrolling Verne Roberts Circle (near West 10th Street) found several small fires in the parking lot of a business under construction. The responsible person fled the scene, but officers located several surveillance cameras, and made a few phone calls. An awesome business owner met officers and showed us the video, which helped us identify the suspect, who we found in a field near the scene of the crime. This fire bug was turned over to arson investigators at the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District and will join the others at the County Jail for a lesson on sheltering in-place.
APD Night Shift is super tired from all the paperwork and will now head to bed. Fear not, APD Day Shift is on-duty and taking the reins from here! Call us if you need us because we aren’t standing down when it comes to protecting OUR CITY!!!
#AntiochStrong #AntiochPD #APDNightShift
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APD arrests stolen motorcycle 05-01-20