Fellowship Church of Antioch will only hold online services this Sunday due to coronavirus

By Allen Payton

On the Fellowship Church Facebook page Thursday night, the following message was posted: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update:

Due to the recent state mandate recommendation, we will be holding only services only this weekend.

Join us on YouTube and Facebook this Sunday at 10:00AM to worship with us!

We believe that the Church, not fear, can shine the brightest in times like these!

In addition, Pastor Shaun Nepstad shared a video with the following message:

“We’re taking the necessary precautions, during this time and we’re asking God, ‘God, what are you trying to say to us?’ Just like in every season when the world is looking for hope and healing, the Church can rise up and be that for them. Listen everyone, God is still on the Throne and he will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is staid on Jesus.

“Now, the virus is serious and we’re not acting out of fear. We’re acting out of love and wisdom. California has just placed a ban on gatherings over 250 people. So, in compliance with our government, our lead team has made the decision that we will be cancelling services for this weekend and we will be cancelling the launch of our Brentwood location.”

“Here’s the good news everybody. We’re going to be streaming our service at 10:00 am Sunday morning on Facebook Live and on YouTube.”

For more information visit www.thefellowshipchurch.com.

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