Delta Blues Festival memorial scholarship application deadline Jan. 31

Delta Blues Festival 2019 scholarship winners. Courtesy DBF.
In 1999 an East Contra Costa County blues fan, David Williamson, had a dream. He wanted to create a family-friendly event called the Delta Blues Festival. He rallied three local blues bands together and put on the very first festival on October 23, that year.
The purpose of the #DeltaBluesFestival /#DaveWilliamsonMemorialScholarship is to allow the festival to do their part to help further the education of a graduate of an East Contra Costa County High School in their collegiate or vocational studies.
Each application will be anonymously discussed and reviewed by a group of DBF volunteers along with representatives of the #ElCampanilPreservationFoundation to decide the submission which best deserves the scholarship.
• Applicant must be an East Contra Costa resident.
Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley, and Pittsburg
• Applicant must have a commitment to continue musical studies.
• Submit an unofficial transcript.
• Submit an essay which may include some or all of the following:
Their personal affiliation with the style of music they enjoy.
Note and explain their career choice and how they see music involved.
How music affects their life.
How they will benefit by pursuing an education including or devoted to music.
Submit any support and commitment to non-profits and/or volunteer organizations.
• Submit a link to a video recording (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) of applicant’s personal talent (playing an instrument, singing a song, or both). The song can be a cover of another artist or one can provide a copy of an original piece of music written by the applicant.
Click on this link to learn more and apply for this scholarship opportunity:
On behalf of the #DeltaBluesFestival Committee, #ElCampanilPreservationFoundation, and the Williamson family – we look forward towards hearing from you… good Luck!
“The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you. We all have idols. Play like anyone you care about but try to be yourself while you’re doing so” – B.B.King
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