Cornerstone Christian High School celebrates Class of 2019 full of champions

Cornerstone Christian School’s Class of 2019 graduates celebrate on Thurs., June 6, 2019. Photos by Denise Baquing.

Valedictorian Nia Russell speaks during the ceremony.
By Denise Baquing
Antioch’s Cornerstone Christian High School celebrated the graduation of their 10-member Class of 2019 at the Cornerstone Christian Center on Thursday evening, June 6, 2019. This was a special class, making history with an undefeated varsity football team, two-time Small School Bridge League champions in consecutive years for both boys and girls varsity basketball teams, and the boys varsity basketball team winning the North Coast Section State Division 6 championship. All in just the school’s 19th year.
Student speakers included Valedictorian Nia Russell and Salutatorian James Ebert. She plans to attend Grand Canyon University and major in communications, then join the Army Reserve, and he plans to attend Los Medanos College then transfer to a four-year university.
In a unique aspect of the commencement ceremony, each graduate offered a tribute to their parents.
Cornerstone’s Senior Pastor and School Superintendent Larry Navilhon then shared an acronym with the graduates.

Principal Logan Heyer offered his thoughts with the graduates.
“CHARGE: Calling – pursue God’s calling; Hope – receive the hope of God and give it away; Authentic – be real with yourself and God; Rejoice – a lot of negativity in the world. But, rejoice in the Lord, be grateful, be thankful; Giver – be a giver; and Eternal – let everything you do, decisions, goals, etc. have an eternal view.”
Principal Logan Heyer, and the church and school staff offered their encouragement to the graduates, in a message on the ceremony program.
“We are so proud of you. It has been a pleasure to teach you, to interact with you, and to watch you grow in God’s grace and wisdom. Each of you has big dreams for your future, and we know that you all have the ability and the skills to achieve those dreams. We also pray that you will be open to the working of the Holy Spirit in your lives. He will take some of you on much different courses than what you initially planned, but this will only serve to strengthen you and mature your faith. Throughout your journey, hold tight to Jesus’ hand and never let go.
You are an incredible group of young men and women. While we will greatly miss you, we also rejoice with you in the completion of one phase of your lives and start of new beginnings.”
With Christ’s abundant blessings, Cornerstone Christian Center and School Staff.

Salutatorian James Ebert speaks to his classmates.
Teachers and family members offered their reactions, following the ceremony.
“Our graduates got to be celebrated and were given a chance to express their appreciation for parents, staff and whole person education they received,” one person in attendance said. “My favorite part was when each student called up their parents and got to say what they meant to them.”
“The senior video was so emotional,” said one teacher. “It makes you realize what an impact we actually have on our students’ lives.”
“It was a wonderful celebration filled with laughter, tears and a lot of hugs,” another parent shared. “This made all the sacrifice worth it.”
“It’s the most intimate and unique graduation service I’ve ever been too,” shared another.
Allen Payton contributed to this report.
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Cornerstone 2019 grads celebrate