For Easter – Life’s most important message

Happy Easter! He is risen!

By Larry Adams

Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, . . .1 Corinthians 15:1-4

We receive plenty of messages throughout our lives that are of great importance, but none more important than the message of Easter.

The good news of Jesus’ death on the cross to pay for our sins and His burial in a tomb is a vital part of that message. But the best news of all is that the grave couldn’t hold Him. Jesus rose again! He conquered sin, death the grave for all of us. He is alive and is offering hope, forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe and receive Him into their lives.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is our historical proof and guarantee that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, the only way to God. His resurrection sets Christianity apart from every other religion and approach to God.

All the religions of the world except four are based in pure philosophy. They are the inventions of men.

The four religions that remain are based on the teachings of their founders, (Judaism/Abraham; Islam/Mohammad; Buddhism/Gautama and Christianity/ Jesus Christ).

All four founders died. Three are still in their graves. Only Jesus rose again and only Jesus lives to offer eternal life to all who come to Him by faith.

That’s why Easter is celebrated by millions of people worldwide. Easter is the celebration of life in Jesus Christ who died for our sins, conquered our death and rose again to give eternal life to all who believe and receive Him. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26) This is still life’s most important message.

Larry Adams is the Senior Pastor of Golden Hills Community Church, which has campuses in both Antioch and Brentwood. He and his wife Karla are residents of Antioch.

This was first published on April 19, 2014.

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2 Comments to “For Easter – Life’s most important message”

  1. fernando navarrro says:

    In the times of moses…it was necessary to pick an adolescent Goat. (An older lamb). As a special sin offering. To clense the sins of the children of God. But this lamb would not be killed by mans hand. It would be tied with Scarlett yarn around its horns as a sign to all not to kill it as it was savagely set free in the dessert to wander until ..GOD..decided to take its life. Over time in the harch sun …the red scarlett yarn would bleach white and thus… a sign that GOD has taken away the sins of the world.

    Watch “Sin Offering in Leviticus” on YouTube

    Isaiah 1:18New International Version (NIV)

    18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,”
        says the Lord.
    “Though your sins are like scarlet,
        they shall be as white as snow;
    though they are red as crimson,
        they shall be like wool.”

    Watch “Jesus Teaching in the Temple” on YouTube

    But this lamd of God..did NOT perish in the wildreness…but came back from its death grip with the keys in HIS HANDS..FOR THAT DAY HELL WAS DEFEATED ….For HE HAS RISEN!!! And through him so shall we!

    So go now and spread the good news…that death has no meaning to you or I.
    GO AND FEROCIOUSLY LOVE for you have no fear of death nor torture nor rejection.
    Be Perfect like our ALMIGHTY FATHER…IS..PERFECT. love your enemies. For you are made of eternal stuff.

  2. Fernando Navarro says:

    an additional video explanation for 2017:

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