City of Antioch, Republic Services to co-host Downtown Cleanup Saturday, April 27
We’re serious about addressing illegal dumping in our City. In response to this ongoing problem, our Code Enforcement Manager Curt Michael is working with our garbage provider Republic Services to organize Antioch’s first Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 27th. Specific neighborhoods in downtown will be invited to participate in this no-cost event where just about everything except engines, car parts, tires, appliances, dirt, concrete, paint, oil, and other hazardous materials will be accepted. We plan on continuing this event throughout the rest of the City over the next year allowing all parts of Antioch to participate.
Saturday, April 27th Cleanup Event
Who: Downtown area between M Street and G Street and W. 2nd Street & W. 6th Street
When: Saturday April 27th 8AM – 12PM or until dumpsters are full
Where: Marina overflow parking lot
What: Residential Trash and Junk
NOTE: Must bring the flyer below – Download Flyer
*Furniture and large items must be broken up. It is recommended that you recycle all items that have potential for future use and help preserve the environment.
Commercial dumping is not allowed. Republic Services will not allow hazardous materials:
- no paint
- no oil
- no tires
- no appliances
- no engines
- no other car parts
- no dirt
- no concrete
Please drop off these types of items at Delta Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility located at 2550 Pittsburg-Antioch Highway, Antioch.
In the upcoming days, Republic Services will be mailing out flyers to those residents that are eligible to participate in this cleanup event. The City anticipates holding more cleanup events like this in other locations.
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