Camila’s Café opens in Antioch’s historic, downtown Rivertown

The Galindos, Lupita, Fernando and their three daughters, take a break from cooking. The restaurant is named for their middle daughter, Camila.

By Allen Payton

Owners Fernando and Lupita Galindo have just opened their first restaurant, Camila’s Cafe, at 740 W. 2nd Street on the corner of “I” Street in Antioch’s historic, downtown Rivertown.

Having grown up in Lima, Peru, Fernando has worked in restaurants in San Francisco and the Bay Area.

“This was one of my dreams,” he said. “I thank God because He opened the doors for this opportunity.”

They offer salads, sandwiches and soup and are open Monday through Friday from 8:30-5 and Saturdays 9-3. For more information and to see photos of their food follow them on their Facebook page.

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