Archive for June, 2018

Congressional candidate responds to accusations of anti-Semitism

Saturday, June 2nd, 2018

John Fitzgerald


I find it interesting that simply pointing out the fact that Jews played a predominant role in the African Slave Trade along with questioning Israel and challenging their control over U.S. foreign-policy, consequently gets me labeled an anti-Semite and NAZI by Former Republican Chairman, Ron Nehring. I will bet that he has NEVER taken the time to read the numerous and informative links I have provided on my website that substantiate my claims. Does Mr. Nehring find it interesting that the ONLY historical issue that lands people in prison– in eighteen countries and counting– is the holocaust? This is a fact! Why is this and why do so many people get imprisoned under Orwellian Hate-Speech laws, simply for challenging any aspect of it outside the “official narrative?” Please read:

Also, watch this video of Monika Schaefer, who is also serving time in prison for apologizing to her mom’s spirit in a video: Isn’t debate good to rule out falsehoods, etc. and to glean fact? So why is the holocaust off-limits but no other issue? Also, why did South Carolina recently pass a similar Hate-Speech law strictly focusing on Israel and anti-Semitism in public schools and college campuses. Please read:…/south-carolina-passes-bill-to-fig….

Now Tennessee is soon doing the same and a federal law was just introduced last week in Congess to cover all 50 states for a similar anti-Semitism bill:…/. I find this remarkable and, even moreso, troubling! No matter the issue, taboo or not, why is our 1st amendment (free-speech) being eroded and only for questioning Israel and/or Jewish interests and no other country or people? We supposedly live in a free and civilized society, yet how free are we if we cannot express contrary opinions without fear of being deemed afoul of the law? Also, isn’t this a slippery slope that may lead to more draconian laws and/or measures in the future? After all, shouldn’t one’s opinion– no matter how offensive it may be to some– along with what’s deemed “truth” stand on its own merit when scrutinized? I think so.

I challenge people to go to my website and find any information that I post that is incorrect or anti-Semitic. I research every issue extensively and take what I claim very seriously and I hope you will do the same. I am not an anti-Semite by any means, but only a person of strong values, morals and character who has the courage to challenge controversial and, what many people perceive to be “taboo” subjects that a certain sect of society try to suppress and/or, subsequently, deem off-limits. Thank you and please remember to vote June 5th. Here is my website:

John Fitzgerald

Candidate for Congress, CA District 11

California Republican Party withdraws automatic endorsement of Contra Costa Congressional candidate for anti-Semitic comments

Saturday, June 2nd, 2018

Issues statements with Republican Jewish Coalition on CA-11 condemning John Fitzgerald for anti-Semitism

The California Republican Party and the Republican Jewish Coalition issued the following statements regarding the congressional race in CA-11 on Tuesday, May 29, 2018:

California Republican Party Chairman Jim Brulte said:

“Tonight, the California Republican Party’s Board of Directors took swift and decisive action to eliminate any support for John Fitzgerald due to anti-Semitic comments he made recently — those views have no home in the Republican Party. As always, California Republicans reject anti-Semitism, and all forms of religious bigotry, in the harshest terms possible. We reject John Fitzgerald’s campaign and encourage all voters to do the same.”

Matt Brooks, Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition said:

“We absolutely and unequivocally condemn John Fitzgerald and his campaign for Congress. His anti-Semitic views have no place in our political system, and especially not in our Republican party. Fitzgerald is clearly has no grasp of the facts when it comes to the Jewish people, Israel and our nation’s relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East, and history in general.

The California Republican Party has been a good ally in our fight against anti-Semitism in the past, and we proudly stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them on their decision to reject support for Fitzgerald.”


The 11th Congressional District includes portions of Antioch.

County hosts drive-thru drop offs for vote-by-mail ballots

Saturday, June 2nd, 2018

Contra Costa voters will have one more quick and easy way to return their vote-by-mail ballots on Election Day.

The Contra Costa Elections Division is hosting a drive-thru ballot drop off site outside of its office, located at 555 Escobar Street in Martinez. The drive-thru will be located along northbound Alhambra Avenue, just north of Escobar.

The drive-thru will be open 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Monday, and 7:00 am to 8:00 pm on Tuesday.

The goal of the drive-thru is that drivers won’t have to get out of their car or find a parking spot.

Contra Costa Elections also offers a drive-thru from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm on Election Day in the Rossmoor area of Walnut Creek. The drive-thru is located at 1001 Golden Rain Drive.

Additionally, vote-by-mail voters can continue to drop off their ballots at County drop-off boxes at all 19 city hall buildings, select branches of the Contra Costa Library and outside the County Administration building on 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

For more information, visit

Parking tips for Antioch BART riders

Friday, June 1st, 2018


Our new BART to Antioch service has been a tremendous success this first week of service, which has meant parking demands in Antioch have exceeded the space available.

In the long term, we are exploring limited options to increase capacity.

In the short term, to ensure public safety, over the weekend we plan to block access to illegal parking in the field across the street from the station.

This step is being taken due to the fire danger as the field is dry and hot engines can spark a fire.

Blocking access is also meant to prevent drivers from parking in Slatten Ranch Road bike lanes.

Tips for parkers: the parking lot at Pittsburg Center Station did not fill up this week.

Pittsburg/Bay Point didn’t fill up until much later than it did before the extension opened and at 10 am, there were still open spots.

Carpooling to Antioch with Scoop is also an option because it guarantees a space before 10 am, allowing users to be flexible with their schedule.

In addition, TriDeltaTransit reconfigured many of their routes to accommodate BART riders.

New Antioch BART Station opens with guaranteed parking for Scoop carpoolers

Friday, June 1st, 2018


As of Tuesday, May 29, the Scoop to BART program is offering guaranteed parking until 10 am for carpoolers at the new Antioch Station. BART will allocate permit parking spaces specifically for carpoolers using Scoop. The app connects neighbors and co-workers to fill seats in vehicles already driving to BART stations. The Scoop to BART program helps to get more people to the station, in fewer cars.

“We’re really excited to launch this program at a brand, new station. As people look into their options for how to get to the station, this will be one, right from the beginning. As an end of the line station people will likely be coming to the Antioch station from far away and splitting the cost of that drive can be a big money-saver.” said Jumana Nabti, Manager of Access Programs at BART.

To participate in the Scoop to BART program, download and register with the free Scoop app for iOS or Android at Type in the BART station name and schedule a ride either before 9 pm the night before the morning commute or by 3:30 pm for that evening’s commute. Shortly after the deadline, Scoop notifies commuters who have matched with one of their 100,000+ users and provides a guaranteed ride home for passengers unable to be matched into a carpool for their return trip. Scoop coordinates with BART to help verify carpoolers and works with BART police to ensure smooth operations every morning.

“We’re excited to offer our Scoop to BART Program at the launch of the new Antioch Station,” said David Clavens, Head of Marketing at Scoop. “We’re proud to partner with BART to help make commutes more enjoyable and efficient, as well as help provide first and last mile solutions for local commuters across the Bay Area.”

BART to Antioch extends service east of the Pittsburg/Bay Point station using smaller diesel trains. Timed transfers between the standard BART trains and these diesel trains take place at a dedicated platform just beyond the Pittsburg/Bay Point station. The new Antioch Station has just over 1000 parking spaces, with 225 for reserved permit parking (including the Scoop to BART program). The rest are allocated to first-come/first-served parking. More information and FAQ on the Antioch Station is available on the BART website.

The Scoop to BART program is a recipient of the Federal Transit Administration Mobility On-Demand Sandbox grant. This grant funds expansion of the program, and enhancements on Scoop’s app platform that improve the experience for BART commuters. The program is a partnership between BART, Scoop Technologies, and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) 511 Carpool Program.

The Scoop to BART program is now available at Antioch, Colma, Concord, Daly City, Dublin/Pleasanton, Lafayette, Millbrae, North Concord, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, Rockridge, San Bruno, South San Francisco, Union City, Walnut Creek, and Warm Springs Stations.

For more information, visit,, or


Mary Allan Fellows Award recipients announced

Friday, June 1st, 2018

Fourteen teachers have been chosen by the Antioch Schools Education Foundation (ASEF) as this year’s Mary Allan Fellows Award winners.

In its 11th year, the ASEF honors educators from the Antioch Unified School District.

These year’s Fellows recipients are Jennifer Carrigan, Sutter Elementary School; Stevi Grimm, Antioch High School; Mark Libbey, Dozier-Libbey Medical High School; and Michelle Stark, Deer Valley High School. Stark is also the AUSD Teacher of the Year.

The 2018 finalists are Samantha Helton, Park Middle School; Lisa Henley, Grant Elementary School; Debbie Karp, Park Middle School; Katy Kelley, Grant Elementary School; and Heather McGovern, Orchard Park K-8 School. And, semifinalists are Megan Cain, Fremont Elementary School; Steven Kestner, Sutter Elementary School; Darrin Neutz, Dallas Ranch Middle School; Alvin Sandford, Jack London Elementary School; and Kathe Saylor, Park Middle School.

Allan, a retired educator and 2001 California Teacher of the Year recipient, said ASEF’s primary purpose is to celebrate teachers.

“We want to place a focus on what excellent teachers do and how and where we can best support them. Teachers are generally nominated by a colleague, administrator, parent or student whose lives have been touched by their expertise.”

She added there was a “strong group of contenders proving a challenge for the selection team. It was a rigorous and daunting process. Each teacher who was nominated brought unique personal qualities, creative teaching methods to his or her classroom, and outreach into the community.

“The ASEF board members who visited the nominated teachers were very impressed with the quality of teaching they observed and the teachers’ commitment to their students and the profession,” said Allan. “We witnessed exceptional group work, teachers engaging students with higher-level thinking questions; students making connections between what they were doing and real-life; and students using the content language while articulating their ideas. All these teachers beautifully represented the fine quality of teaching that is happening throughout the AUSD.”

Hosted by the ASEF, these educators will be honored during the Mary Allan Fellows Award dinner on Sept. 18 at the Lone Tree Golf & Event Center.

This year’s guest speaker is Stan Murphy, the 2005 California Teacher of the Year and finalist for National Teacher of the Year. Murphy, a Cal grad, taught for 46 years.

For more info and tickets to the event, visit


Letter writer: Let’s talk about the City of Antioch’s brand

Friday, June 1st, 2018

Dear Editor:

Let’s talk about the really poor marketing of the marketing campaign to listen to the citizens of Antioch. I love this city, and I am happy to give input as to why Antioch is great, why folks should move here, etc. What I’m not happy about is the embarrassing debacle that surrounds this effort by the company hired to survey residents:

I read about this series of events on Facebook Thursday morning. The first event shown was Friday 10-6 at the Somersville mall. I was surprised to be the first person in a city of over 100,000 people to register for the “listenting session” (the typo is theirs, not mine).

I showed up at 10 am and found no signage, no indication of anything happening in the main courtyard where the session was to take place. After asking around, I was directed to a storefront lined with black curtains where three people were standing around with rolling bags. I asked if they were associated with the brand event, and, hallelujah, they said they were.

I understand why they may have been defensive when I asked why it was so difficult to find them. But if you are a professional listener, I would recommend less arguing and more acknowledgement of the problem. Furthermore, this event that I signed up for was not an all-day meeting or session. They were simply there to pull shoppers in to ask the questions that, I assume, are the same ones on the electronic survey.

Come on, Antioch. If you hire a “professional” company to help with the brand for the city, at least make sure that they know what they’re doing.

Jacquelyn Higgins

Antioch resident

City of Antioch announces rebranding listening sessions

Friday, June 1st, 2018

What do you love about Antioch? What should people know about Antioch? Why should people visit Antioch? Why should they move here, or start a business here?

Consultants supporting the City will hold listening sessions during the week of June 5 to hear residents’ views on the City of Antioch’s brand, past present and future.

Residents are invited to join the conversation in person or online.


TUESDAY, JUNE 5 Nick Rodriguez Community Center, 213 F Street

10:00-11:30 a.m. and 2:00-3:30 p.m.

TUESDAY, JUNE 5 Antioch Community Center, 4703 Lone Tree Way

West Island Room  7:00-8:30 p.m.

THURSDAY, JUNE 7 Antioch Community Center, 4703 Lone Tree Way

West Island Room  1:00-2:30


Residents who are unable to participate in an in-person session are invited either to fill out a brief survey at or to email

Contact details: