City of Antioch gives notice of abatement of homeless encampment on 6th Street

They must vacate the site before Monday, April 16

The City of Antioch has become aware of a substantial encampment on the private property near the intersection of 6th Street and McElheney Road in the area immediately east of downtown. As the City is obligated to enforce the Antioch Municipal Code and a series of State and federal regulations, an abatement process will commence in the coming days. The City of Antioch has secured an Abatement Warrant and will post a 72-hour notice no sooner than Thursday, April 12 that will direct the occupants of the encampment to vacate the site before Monday, April 16 when the abatement is expected to occur. The Abatement Warrant authorizes the City of Antioch to take all necessary measures to correct the violations and pursue compliance with all applicable laws.

Based on currently available information, the City of Antioch finds that the accumulation of garbage, human waste, hazardous materials, and similar conditions associated with this encampment violate local zoning laws that prohibit blight and preclude a tent encampment in this zoning district. Further, these conditions may violate regulations relating to the protection of local waterways, as the site is immediately adjacent to a flood control area that discharges to the San Joaquin River. As this is private property, the City will pursue reimbursement for the cost of the abatement from the property owner through its ordinary process.

As part of the abatement process, the City will coordinate its efforts with the Antioch Code Enforcement Division, the Antioch Police Department Community Engagement Team (CET), City of Antioch Animal Control, as well as the Contra Costa County Health Services Community Outreach Referral and Engagement (CORE) team and Contra Costa County Mental Health Services. The Antioch CET routinely works within the community to refer persons experiencing homelessness towards County or non-profit resources for assistance. The CORE team establishes relationships with clients through regular communication and visits to encampments and shelters and serves as a point of contact and referral for many social services. The Antioch Code Enforcement Division has also notified local outreach groups of the upcoming abatement but cannot confirm that any such groups will be actively involved with the abatement process. Any questions regarding this effort may be directed to Forrest Ebbs, Community Development Director, at or Curt Michaels, Code Enforcement Manager, at

3 Comments to “City of Antioch gives notice of abatement of homeless encampment on 6th Street”

  1. Pam says:

    I saw a tv news report on this yesterday. My question is…if you take their tents and meager belongings and make them leave the area where are they supposed to go? Where will they sleep? They are homeless!
    I get it, there is garbage and blight and as a neighbor I wouldn’t want this camp in my neighborhood either. I sympathize with the neighbors.
    HANDS DOWN WE MUST CREATE HOUSING FOR THE HOMELESS. They can’t become productive citizens if they don’t have shelter.
    City of Antioch please rethink this.

    • RJB says:

      Hi Pam

      I have a very easy solution to your complaint. Go ahead and make your way down to the homeless camp and pass out flyers inviting them to live in your home.

      You’re welcome.

  2. JAMB says:

    Just shifting piles

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