Antioch Police arrest two men for stealing $5,000 of tools Tuesday morning

Suspected thieves of $5,000 in tools Daniel (left) and Chayce Honey. photos by APD

Stolen tools
From the Antioch Police Facebook page
On Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018 around 9:00AM, Antioch Police Officers took a burglary report from a victim on Valley Way that occurred a few hours earlier. The burglars stole about $5000 worth of tools. Through investigative leads, Officers identified Chayce Honey, (19), and Daniel Honey, (39), as suspects.
A probation search was conducted at Honey’s residence, where both subjects were located at the residence as well the victim’s stolen property. Chayce and Daniel Honey were arrested for burglary and possession of stolen property and sent to county jail.
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Good work police officers! Now all we need is the Contra Costa Judge and DA to do thier job! One can hope. This isn’t these thugs first rodeo. Hold them accountable!