Antioch disc golf course now open for play at Prewett Park

The Disc Golf Course at Prewett Park.
The new disc golf course at Prewett Park in Antioch is now open for playing. Built by Bob Liles, Bob Lambrose and Lee Namanny, the course includes nine “holes”. (See map, above)
For those desiring a shorter easier course just play 1, 7 (use the area around basket #1 for the tee box), 8 and 9.
For more information visit Antioch Disc Golf Group on Facebook.
Discs can be purchased at local sporting goods stores. Be sure to watch for formal opening ceremonies in September.
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Unless the surface has been sufficiently leveled ,cleared of debris and pot holes filled etc I think this is a hazard waiting to happen. Large public liability and even larger suits.
Agreed, not to mention all the worst disk golf course are on dry hillside vacant spaces. Landscape it add some trees a snack bar and rental booth and now it’s awesome and a money maker