Antioch Police promote four to new positions of leadership

Photo courtesy of APD.
In a post on the Antioch Police Department Facebook page, it was announced that the four officers were promoted to new leadership positions. The post reads:
“Chief Tammany Brooks (center) stands with newly promoted Corporal Steve Aiello, Corporal Matt Harger and Sergeants Matt Koch and James Stenger (From left to right). All of these new supervisors have worked almost every assignment there is at APD, and have over 70 years of law enforcement experience between them!! Congratulations and good luck to Antioch Police Department’s newest supervisors in their new assignments!!”
the attachments to this post:
That’s great news, but how about actually enforcing traffic laws? There are way too many people running red lights, stop signs, speeding, accidents, and the like.
Well, RJB, we have to hire officers to make up for all the ones that have retired. By the time we do that a whole batch more will be retiring. We will never catch up.
At this rate, all officers will be promoted to sergeants and lieutenants with no one on foot patrol due to the slow hiring, but sure as heck, the promotions just keep rollling raking in all that money from measure C. What have we gained so Far? Less officers, but the ones onboard sure get higher pay raises after another.
Antioch is truly a dangerous dump. Higher chance of becoming a victim of violent crime or a fatal auto accident here.