County Coroner needs public’s assistance with two cases in Antioch
The Coroner’s Division of the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff is requesting the pub-lic’s assistance with two cases in Antioch.
By Jimmy Lee, Public Information Officer, Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office

David Norman Wise
Seeking Next of Kin
On April 28, 2017, David Norman Wise was found deceased at the Amtrak train station in Antioch. Wise, a transient, died of natural causes. The Coroner’s Division has not been able to find any next of kin. Wise was 60 years old, 5’8” tall, and weighed about 200 pounds. He had brown hair and blue eyes.
Anyone with information on next of kin or relatives is asked to contact the Coroner’s Division at (925) 313-2850.

John Doe’s clothing
John Doe Case
On May 2, 2017, the Coroner’s Division responded to a “train versus pedestrian” incident at the railroad tracks, east of the Amtrak Station, 100 I Street in Antioch. The man appeared to have walked into the path of an oncoming train. The man has not been identified. He is described as being Hispanic or South American, 25-35 years old, 5’ – 5’5” in height, 110-125 pounds, with dark brown curly hair, and brown colored eyes. He was wearing a blue short-sleeve jersey-style shirt with lime green de-signs, black jeans, a black belt, white socks, and black shoes. See photos.
Anyone with any information on the identity of this person is asked to contact the Coroner’s Division at (925) 313-2850.
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How many of Antiochs residents does Amtrak get to kill before they will be forced to implement better security around their tracks?
As many as they want when dumbasses keep walking in front of it voluntarily. How is AMTRACk at fault for THIER SUICIDES?
Excuse me? Amtrak doesn’t have to get out of anyone’s way. The person should never ever be on the track. My parents taught me that 75 years ago.
Julio, this is Antioch. A city where the ghetto believe they always have the right of way and are entitled to everything a hard working educated person has.
What’s right is wrong, what’s wrong is right. Welcome to Antioch.
Well said. This town is a lost cause…..”little Oakland” is what they should change the name to. City councel should be shot for treason by voting in all the damn low income housing that brought all this dreg here from oakland to richmond… Nothing but tweeker thieves, Stinky ass street bums, crackheads, and system leeches with no ambition to work a day in thier life. Just pop kids out for more welfare.
Disgusting shithole. I was born and raised here but ill be ditching out of this entire state completely before 2018…Its embarrassing just to admit im from ANTE-YUCK