Letter writer tired of Antioch crime, wants police to stop, question, and frisk


It would be so easy to say “here we go again”. But, no, I will not let my confidence in our city waiver. Events like shootings are sad, scary and vile. It is time for “Antioch Strong”. We need to pull together from the Delta to the South Hills. From the West hills to Highway 4.

I am not promoting a posse. But I am proposing a change in a way we approach these shootings. Larger cities than ours have found ways to combat these evils. We are not Chicago; we are a good community with some bad people. We are a city full of pride and are poised to take our streets back. We must do that. We must react to criminal behavior, report it quickly and advise police when things are just not right. Some of us do that. Now everyone must.

The act of prevention is the strongest deterrent to violence. Become proactive. It is not hard, even when peeking out your windows. The stop and frisk rule should be easier to implement than it is today. So that the power to stop, question, and frisk suspects, given reasonable circumstances, and to a standard that holds less than probable cause, the standard should be the standard of reasonable suspicion, a question of circumstances of each individual case and officers should determine whether reasonable detention and investigation is validated based upon knowledge of history and common sense.

I for one, want suspicious activity investigated stronger than it is today. Everyone has to pass through a metal detector before boarding an airplane, why not allow as much freedom to police on the street. I know many will feel that my view endorses an unreasonable use of power. But, is not ducking flying bullets in our town, being afraid of walking out at night very similar to the effects of war or terrorism?

I am wide open to alternatives like education, accountability, and other options. I would love to see a laundry list of options other than what I propose that can deter the violence. If I continue to write what is considered unpopular, and it sparks debate and keeps this issue in the forefront, then I am fine with my view.

I understand the position of the issue and the possible targeting those of color, and that is not what I am proposing at all. I am supporting that if the police drive by a known crack- house and they see a car parked out front, they should have a right to stop and ask those inside the car for ID. If they pass a known criminal, they should have the right to stop and question.

I am frustrated that within the last year there have been no less than five shootings, many robberies and a bunch more crimes within range of my home. I am with neighborhood watch, walk my streets, chased people for stealing (seeing me run is a funny sight) and I am just overwhelmed with all of this garbage.

What I propose is not the ideal or politically correct position, that I know. Education is the key. Giving safe options other than violence through engaging church, school, parents, and community in educating that a gun is to defend and not to attack is not working in my view. Any other ideas?

Frederick Rouse


10 Comments to “Letter writer tired of Antioch crime, wants police to stop, question, and frisk”

  1. Nina Annis says:

    I totally agree and as a wife of Retired LEO we are sad to say that’s why we left, it’s hard for some to understand that the ” garbage” eventually catches up with even the choice to sell your home that WE worked hard for, the trash that’s allowed because the Police have gotten such a bad rap from the liberals, they not only care but risk their lives everyday to help everyone. What some don’t understand , my husband worked in the West End of the county and ambulances wouldn’t even respond because of fear of the ” trash” YES people this stuff affects EVERYONE!!!
    Prevention and yes proactive stopping and questioning is the way, saw it work in the West End
    STOP with the liberal PC stuff eventually businesses go under, vacant homes, and trash everywhere!!!

    • Loretta Sweatt says:

      Education and all is fine, but grown adult criminals are beyond that…yes…you are right…people will leave the city, their children will leave the city…the good people will leave the city…and then what do you have left…except a city of criminals…that’s what…

  2. RJB says:

    I, too, agree with this article. The problem is Antioch is so full of ghetto hood rats, child molesters, drug dealers, wannabe street racers, meth labs, and idiot gang bangers with the “Luke at muh dic” attitude it’s going to be hard.
    We need to call in the nationals gaurd to fix this mess. Antioch is a very unique city where the ghetto rule everything.

    • Loretta Sweatt says:

      I understand and get what you’re saying…but I don’t believe or at least I don’t want to believe that the ghetto rules everything…are there any statistics that show how many of the 100K+ plus people who live in Antioch are criminals…maybe we should do a census and find out???

  3. Loretta Sweatt says:

    I can see Fred’s point. Maybe it’s time to make some City Ordinances to further restrict criminals, like Landlord’s doing finger printing and background checks, refusing to rent to criminals, no weapons allowed in rentals, requiring periodic checks of rentals for weapons…we personally lived in beautiful excusive apartment complex at Jack London Square and the Property Company Landlord had the right within 24 hours notice, to walk in and inspect the unit for proper care of the rental, drugs, weapons, whatever. And if you see people on the surveillance cameras clean out their units before inspection, hello!…that’s a clue! We have to ask out Police Officers what they need to better reduce crime….and then…Give It To Them!

  4. albert martel says:

    I think if that your view of Antioch you really should pack your bag and Move out.. Antioch is great city and if more folk would come out of their hiding place and stand up when when they see thing not right in the city it would be even better place .. But to think for one minute stopping anybody just because you don’t like how they look is going to solve crime issue I say that the sound of small minded stupid person talking.. More uniform police increase crime.. you want to stop crime be a city that catch thugs and put them in jail because the people will go to court and say yes i saw them do it.. But most of you cry babies just sit in your little house and complain cause the folk around you look diff from you .. I say stop your complaining and step outside sit on your front step let it be known they being watched and most real thugs will move on..But if you insist on stop and frisk as a way to stop crime i say let start with you and your home open it to search by any police officer who choose to search it..

    • RJB says:

      I say stop and frisk all the way, Albert. But we both know it’s never going to happen in a city like this.

      You’re wrong, tons of people do come out of their “hiding places” and step up and take action. But it’s a small resistance compared to the amount of criminalistic behavior people have in Antioch

      Your point on getting more people to care is valid, but again, my second point here applies, city leadership is what will make the most impact, it so far, I’ve seen very little.

    • Publisher says:

      Mr. Martel,
      Thank you for reading the Herald and for your comment.
      But, one point you made has to be challenged. You wrote “More uniform police increase crime.”
      That’s simply not true. It’s been a lack of additional sworn or uniformed police in Antioch that has allowed the crime to increase.
      As more have been added to the force the more serious crimes, known as Part I Crimes, have decreased.
      We need the 11 additional sworn officers, now, that we were promised under Measure C – over three years ago!
      Even then we will still be short of what’s needed.
      Allen Payton, Publisher

  5. skip says:

    The problem isn’t the citizens, it’s the police. I would like to know when the last time Mr. Rouse called the APD was and how long did it take them to show up? Of the robberies, how many were investigated and solved? The APD simply doesn’t care. When it takes 3 hours to get a response, citizens quit calling. Case in point, a few years back one of the homes on my street was foreclosed upon. Like moths to a flame, the homeless took up residence in the basement of the home. For a month, the APD kept telling me it was a civil matter. Have you ever tried to figure out who owns a foreclosed home? It’s a joke and for a month, the homeless used the home as a crack den. When I caught one of them breaking into my home, the APD did not arrest him. It eventually took a single telephone call to a former city council member and less than 24 hours later a swat team stormed the basement and kicked out about 20 people. My point is that the APD had the power to go in there at any point and had they acted immediately I wouldn’t have been victimized and the neighbors wouldn’t have been either. It wasn’t until someone connected made the phone call that they would even move it from a “civil dispute” to a criminal case. The police already have extensive rights when it comes to stopping and interviewing suspects. We don’t need to change the rules to erode at our civil liberties, we need to insist on the APD do their jobs.

    • Rjb says:

      Excellent points Skip. I hope weight chooses a proactive police chief to replace Cantando.
      Allen is right, we need more officers. We also need more activity by the police.

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