Antioch Chamber honors School District for achievements at annual awards Gala
At its annual awards Gala on Friday, March 10, 2017, the Antioch Chamber of Commerce honored the Antioch Unified School District for its recent achievements.
Over the past decade, both the City of Antioch and the Antioch Unified School District have faced significant challenges due to the economic housing crisis that began in 2006. However, like the City, the District has capitalized on the strengths of our student population, our families, staff, and the greater community. As a result, AUSD, despite the many challenges, has shown several areas of positive growth.
A Few of the Challenges:
· From 2000–2013, the number of students who speak a language other than English in the home increased from 6% – 20%.
· The number of students residing in group homes has risen 144%.
· 11,468 AUSD students (68%) receive free or reduced lunch, 85% free and 15% reduced.
· The number of students in foster care has risen 252% in the past six years.
· More than 3,100 AUSD students live in poverty as defined by the federal government with families earning less than $10,830 for a one-parent family and $14,570 for a two parent family;
· Currently 441 AUSD students are homeless.
Despite These Challenges, Successes:
· AUSD increased its graduation rate 6.8% in the past year; AUSD now outpaces the state graduation rate.
· The percentage of students graduating eligible to attend a UC/CSU has increased 8.6% since 2010.
· The number of students taking an Advanced Placement exam has grown nearly 71.6% in the last five years while the number of students taking the SAT has increased 29.2%.
· Suspension occurrences have reduced 38% since 2011 while the number of days students are suspended has decreased 48%.
· AUSD now has nine career-themed high school pathways that provide students with real-world experiences; AUSD is a lead district in implementing linked learning in the State;
· After years of deficit spending, the District balanced its budget in 2015 and is no longer deficit spending.