Free sandbags offered by Contra Costa County to avoid damage from storms

Contra Costa County Supervisor Diane Burgis informs East County residents that sandbags are available for any resident who needs help preparing for the storms.

Those who are concerned about flooding at their home or business can visit one of the following sandbag stations located throughout East County:

Ambrose Recreation & Park Center
3105 Willow Pass Road, Bay Point
West side of the parking lot next to one of the trees approximately three-fourths of the way back to the playing fields.
Sandbags are cached in a container on site at the sand cradle.

Antioch Maintenance Service Center
1201 W. 4th Street
Limit of 20, Staff & Do it yourself
$0.50 empty, $1.00 filled

Brentwood Corp Yard
2201 Elkins Way
Limit of 10, do it yourself. No charge.

Byron Airport
500 Eagle Court Byron.
Bring shovel. Bags are located in the pump house at the junction of Byron Hot Springs Road and Holey Road.
Contact Airport staff at 925-634-0147 for access.
The sand cradle is located on the west side of the pump house.

Knightsen Farm Bureau Building/County Agriculture
3020 Second Street
Located at the north end of the parking lot next to the building.

Oakley Senior Center
215 Second Street
Bring shovel. Bags and sand are located at the south end of the parking lot next to the tree adjacent to Delta Station.

For sandbag station concerns, please call the Non-Emergency Sheriff’s Dispatch number at 925-646-2441.
To learn more about acquiring and filling sandbags, view the county’s helpful video tutorial here.

One Comment to “Free sandbags offered by Contra Costa County to avoid damage from storms”

  1. Marty Fernandez says:

    A bankrupt city charges for the sand bags. Way to go Antioch!

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