Assemblymember Frazier co-sponsors free learning opportunities for business owners, operators
Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Discovery Bay) is co-sponsoring two free learning opportunities this month for businesses in Assembly District 11.
On Thursday, Oct. 13, business owners and operators can gain expert advice about worker’s compensation and paid sick leave laws during a Link and Learn session co-sponsored by the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce. Representatives from the California Department of Industrial Relations will lead the workshop, which will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the Chamber office, 985 Railroad Avenue in Pittsburg. Register online at
On Wednesday, Oct. 19, a Small Business Seminar & Resource Expo will be presented by the California State Board of Equalization from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (check-in begins at 8:30 a.m.) at the Brentwood Community Center, 35 Oak Street in Brentwood.
With a theme of “Strategies for Success in Today’s Economy,” the seminar will cover such topics as sales and use taxes; loan programs; forms of ownership; record-keeping; how to distinguish an employee from an independent contractor; and resources for marketing.
Invited presenters include the California State Board of Equalization; the U.S. Small Business Administration; California’s Employment Development Department and Franchise Tax Board; the Internal Revenue Service; the Small Business Development Center; and the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz).
In addition to Frazier, the Small Business Seminar is co-sponsored by State Board of Equalization Members Fiona Ma and George Runner; Brentwood Mayor Robert Taylor, and the City of Brentwood. Register online at or by calling 1-888-847-9652.
For more information about either event, call Assemblymember Frazier’s office at 925-513-0411.
To contact Assemblymember Jim Frazier please visit his website at or call his District Office at 925-513-0411. Follow him on Facebook and “Like” him for updates on events and happenings in the 11th AD.
So, what can a guy who wants to tax businesses out of business pretend to teach business owners? Maybe he should just teach us how to close down, pack up, and move our business to Nevada or elsewhere that’s BUSINESS FRIENDLY!
Vote this guy out of office, will ya?!!?
How nice of them to offer a FREE class on how much it will cost you to provide even a part time job to someone living in Antioch. Can’t afford the cost of the regulations? No problem, just borrow the money what could go wrong? Who would be surprised if it turns out that the banks they recommend in their free class, donate to the campaigns of our generous sponsors?