Council candidates debate, Rocha defends record, Wilson a no show at Herald forum

Antioch City Council candidate Fred Rouse, second from right, answers a question, as his opponents, Lamar Thorpe, Karl Dietzel, Kenny Turnage and incumbent Councilwoman Mary Rocha await their turns to answer, during the forum sponsored by the Antioch Herald on Tuesday night, September 20th. photo by Allen Payton
By Connie Woods, Associate Publisher
Five of the six candidates competing for two seats on the Antioch City Council, faced off Tuesday evening, September 20th in the City Council Chambers to present their ideas on issues facing Antioch and its residents at a forum sponsored by hosted by the Antioch Herald.
Challengers Lamar Thorpe, Karl Dietzel, Kenny Turnage, Fred Rouse and incumbent Mary Rocha participated in the lively debate answering questions presented by panelist Paul Burgarino of the County Elections Office, the audience and each other. The other incumbent in the race, Monica Wilson was a no show.
Some of the questions discussed at the forum included the budget and the hot topic of how measure C and O funds are collected and spent which includes tax monies already received for funding new police officers; how to attract more businesses and jobs to Antioch, and views on new housing development.
Lamar Thorpe, a former member of the Economic Development Commission and university administrator, said he loves being involved with policy.
Councilwoman Mary Rocha, who was recognized as Woman of the Year by the Contra Costa County Women’s Commission, feels crime is the number one issue facing Antioch. She spent much of the time defending her record from the others’ comments and questions.
Kenny Turnage, is a local construction company owner, Economic Development Commission member, president-elect of the Antioch Rotary Club, and was named 2015 Antioch Citizen of the Year.
Fred Rouse is a member of the City’s Board of Administrative Appeals. He decided to run when the media started referring to Antioch as something that it wasn’t, and wants to make a change.
First-generation American Karl Dietzel has lived in Antioch since 1989 and says he wants his city back. He also says Antioch is number four in the Bay Area as the most dangerous city.
Crime: Thorpe said that at the beginning of Measure C there were 89 sworn police officers, so with an additional 22 officers that were promised, that should have brought that number to 111 sworn police officers, which was not done. Most of the other candidates also agreed that more officers should have been hired with Measure C funding.
New homes and commercial development: Thorpe stated in bringing companies to Antioch “that the trade-off should be jobs not homes”.
Turnage said that the “city needs to negotiate better with developers,” and he would even like to see some eight-story high rises by the waterfront to encourage businesses to come in.
Dietzel did not support any new housing developments and said that the city needs to take care of the 120,000 residents that are already here.
Rocha supports development and some gated communities. We now have the road systems, she mentioned. Rocha also said she has had the opportunity to bring in subsidized childcare to Antioch, which brings in $50,000 to the annual budget.
Attracting more businesses: Thorpe said there should be tax incentives, smart growth development, and good quality of life for employers. Dietzel said crime and blight needs to be addressed or no one will come.
Turnage said we should work on perception of the city. Rouse suggested the city identify a need that Antioch can fill.
The forum can be viewed in October, beginning Sunday, October 2nd on Delta TV (Comcast Channel 24 and AT&T U-verse on Channel 99) and the schedule is as follows: Sundays at 7 pm, Tuesdays at 11 am and Thursdays at 4 pm.
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And Ms. Wilson did not show because……………………
No Lamar, no Wilson, no Rocha. We need people with the expertise, ethics, and courage to be things done.
I take exception to what Mary Rocha wants– more housing developments. That’s precisely what has hurt Antioch– all these rental homes owned by absentee landlords with little interest in Antioch’s betterment. Antioch needs to attract more businesses and provide employment opportunities for its residents. It also needs to effectively collect Measure C and O funds to support the necessary police and enforcement services to improve the quality of life for those who call Antioch home.
Dietzel has my vote. I may have felt differently before, not now.