Antioch Herald to host forums for mayor, council candidates, Tuesday, Sept. 20

The candidates for Antioch Mayor and City Council will square off on Tuesday night, September 20th and answer questions from the panelist, audience and each other during two forums, hosted by the Antioch Herald.

The forum for city council candidates will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last until 8:00 p.m. The forum for candidates for mayor will begin at 8:15 p.m. and last one hour.

Each candidate will have the opportunity to ask two questions of fellow candidates and offer two rebuttals. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates, as well.

Paul Burgarino, the Voter Education & Engagement Specialist with the Contra Costa County Clerk/Recorder-Registrar – Election Division will be the panelist asking the questions of the candidates, Antioch City Clerk Arne Simonsen will serve as time keeper and Herald Publisher Allen Payton will moderate the forums.

The forums will be held in the Antioch City Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 200 H Street, between West 2nd and West 3rd Streets in downtown and will be recorded for later viewing on local cable access TV channels.

2 Comments to “Antioch Herald to host forums for mayor, council candidates, Tuesday, Sept. 20”

  1. Tom McNell says:

    I will be out of town next week and will therefore miss the forum. I know many people who are letting their lawns go brown in protest to the abusive tiered water rates that the City of Antioch is charging its residents. This is causing blight which the City is supposed to be fighting as weeds replace green lawns. The Mayor and City Council are supposed to be representing us and therefore should charge a small margin over the cost of water. Not charge excessive rates that also punish people with large families.

    I would like to know how each candidate stands on this issue and I will vote accordingly. Residents are tired of being fleeced by people who supposedly represent them.

    • karl dietzel says:

      hi tom,

      while our government is telling us, we have a drought, we have to raise the price for water, take a shower only ones a week (sarcasm ), don’t water the lawn anymore, and so on, the real issues is not addressed.
      California alone is loosing about 230 billion gal of drinking water a year, because of our old, leaking infrastructure. at a main brake at ucla few years back, we lost 20 million gals of drinking water alone.! (the us looses 3 trillion gal of water a year)
      one street of my neighborhood (sycamore) had three main leakages within 9 month, at the very same spot. while I am not a water pipe specialist, it was obvious the city just put a bandage at it, and its just a matter of time when it will break again.
      there is a lot of talk about our water rights, pumping out of the river, but the ones in charge tell us, we cant pump as much we need, and we cant pump when we need it.
      having said all this. I support to replace our aging infrastructure whenever we, can systematically, I also support to explore seriously cost/ benefit analysis, of a desalination plant in Antioch.
      I do not support raising the prices for water, because, somehow we the people, don’t want to hold our water departments at local, county or even state level accountable.
      recycled water should be more readily available. all of our sport fields, parks etc should be using recycled water.

      so how do we get there?

      vote in new people in November, ask all candidates where they stand on those issues.

      don’t vote for the very same people over and over and expect different results.

      Karl Dietzel for Antioch City Council
      Nov. 2016, Election

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