Writer questions results of Antioch economic development efforts, staff


In the S.F. Chronicle today, 5/25/2016, there is a story about a new electric car company moving to Mare Island, Vallejo.  Was Antioch in the running for this endeavor?  Did we submit anything?  Wilbur Avenue in Antioch would have been perfect for this type of company.

Our Economic Development Manager is Lizeht Zepeda.  The governor’s office in Sacramento has an “Office of Business and Economic Development” or “GoBiz” to help cities like Antioch and Vallejo recruit business.  It also grants millions in tax credits to the city.  Does Antioch even know this is available?

Ms. Zepeda makes a nice six figure salary in this job and I see no results anywhere except small businesses.  Has she ever given a report to Council?  Is she still “in training” as I have been told?  We needed a person in this position highly skilled at bringing in business not a friend of another employee.  Two council members have told me they have never received any kind of report from Ms. Zepeda.

Marty Fernandez

3 Comments to “Writer questions results of Antioch economic development efforts, staff”

  1. Loretta Sweatt says:

    I certainly empathize. People should go to the sporatic meetings n see what is and isn’t going on there.

    • Karl dietzel says:

      It’s more like “isn’t going on”

      • Lizeht says:

        Hi Marty, if you would like to have a conversation regarding economic programs I would be more than happy to set up a meeting in person. Please email me. I’m familiar with GoBiz and work closely with their staff as well as other regional agencies to provide potential businesses state available incentives that bring jobs to our city. This past year 2015, Antioch knocked it out of the park with commercial real estate and industrial transactions, which is a complete turn around from previous years. You may want to check public records on salaries as I DO NOT make six figures. Hope you have a great Memorial Day holiday! -Lizeht Zepeda
        email: lzepeda@ci.antioch.ca.us

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