Belle refused entry to Frazier’s Capitol office
By Allen Payton
Embattled Contra Costa County School Board Trustee Jeff Belle, was refused entry into Assemblyman Jim Frazier’s office in Sacramento, when Belle was in the State Capitol for the county school boards’ legislative action day on Tuesday, March 18th.
When asked if Frazier told him he wasn’t welcome in his office, Belle replied, “Yes, he did say that I wasn’t welcome and should leave.”
“I told him that I’m here regarding education legislation which affects our school districts,” Belle explained. “He stated that I recruited someone to run against him. I replied, this meeting isn’t about partisan politics, it’s about our children and the issues within our schools.”
“I further stated that I would leave out of respect for the people in the room and the process, but totally disagreed with him. I then walked out of his office,” Belle continued. “The situation with Frazier, in my opinion, is an example of party interest over the interest of the people. He is a big bully. Witnesses will support my story. There were four other people in the room. Two of the four were parents from Antioch.”
Belle said those parents were Nallely Malaspina, a member of the District English Learner Advisory Committee and Cindy Osborne of the Deer Valley High School PTSA.
Malaspina confirmed she was with Belle in Sacramento, that day and that he was denied entry into Frazier’s office.
When asked why, Frazier explained the reasons for his actions.
“I didn’t allow Jeff Belle into my office because I don’t want to be associated with someone who is dishonest with the public,” he stated. “He was fined by the state, last year for claiming to be a respiratory therapist when he wasn’t.”
“More importantly, he lied to the voters on his ballot statement, claiming to have a college degree when he didn’t,” Frazier added. “He was investigated and is now being prosecuted by the county District Attorney’s office for that crime.”
When asked if it was partisan because Belle is a Republican, Frazier – a Democrat – responded, “No. It’s not a partisan issue. I just don’t trust him.”
Belle labeled it “State Capitol bullying in action.”
He is facing a trial in the ballot statement matter and can be fined a maximum of $1,000 if convicted.
I would have thrown him out too! One thing I agree with Frazier on. Mr. Belle is very dishonest and those people with him have obviously fallen for his garbage. He wouldn’t know the truth if it stood in front of him. Thank you for the story!
They are right. Mr. Belle is using his position as a stepping stone to other aspirations and to belittle others from behind the dais. So sad; he’s living in an alternate dimension where his perceived importance is disproportional to his contribution. Repeatedly claiming to be “the smartest person in the room” and “these are the facts” when they are clearly his opinion, just makes him a bully and boorish.
Thank you Mr. Payton for exposing Jeff’s bad behavior. I am personally thrilled that the truth is OUT about the real Jeff Belle. He has harmed too many trusting individuals who believed that he was a Christian. Which of course he is not. He is simply a psychopathic predator.