Assemblymember Frazier receives CA County Veteran Service Officers’ Legislator of the Year Award

Sacramento – On Wednesday, Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D – Oakley) received the California Association of County Veterans Service Officers’ (CACVSO) legislator of the year award.

“These men and women have served our country in the greatest capacity. It is an honor to receive this award today,” said Assemblymember Frazier. “I admire the CVSOs’ commitment to serve veterans and relish any opportunity to be part of their hard work.”

Assemblymember Frazier authored AB 935 in 2014, which allows a special designation to be placed on a driver’s license to identify the person as a veteran. This makes it easier for veterans to access crucial services and benefits. Since the implementation of the bill in November 2015, CACVSO has issued 14,184 eligibility forms for the new license.

“We could never fully repay the debt of gratitude owed to our veterans. This designation ensures they receive every benefit that they are entitled,” stated Assemblymember Frazier. “I am proud to announce that since this option became available three months ago, over 1,458 veterans – who were unaware they qualified – have filed claims with the federal Veterans Administration (VA) for federal benefits through their local CVSO.”

With veteran’s claims in California averaging $18,000 annually it is estimated that these new claims will bring in an additional $26,244,000 in federal funds with the potential to bring in $750,000,000 annually to our veterans. This money goes directly to our veterans.

To learn more about how to receive a “veteran” designation on your driver’s license, please visit:

Assemblymember Frazier represents the 11th Assembly District, which includes the communities of Antioch, Bethel Island, Birds Landing, Brentwood, Byron, Collinsville, Discovery Bay, Fairfield, Isleton, Knightsen, Locke, Oakley, Pittsburg (partial), Rio Vista, Suisun City, Travis AFB, Vacaville and Walnut Grove.

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