Letter writer responds to Payton Perspective on Thorpe and card room initiative
Dear Editor:
I wanted to respond to your “Perspective” concerning the Card Room issue and Commissioner Thorpe which will move to a ballot measure at a sizable cost to the citizens of Antioch.
I will not stand to criticize Mr. Thorpe or to analyze his position; nor will I defend him. I do not know if he was used or was an active participant, and truly I don’t care one way or another. What I do know is that Commissioner Thorpe serves at the pleasure of the Council and may continue or not based on an evaluation of his whole work for the City by the Mayor and Council.
The question is: How did the Council not see this coming? With the issues raised concerning Kelly’s Card Room, it’s failure and the reaction of the City something like this initiative was bound to come along.
There was a filing and a collection of signatures wasn’t there? This didn’t happen in a vacuum did it? Where was the City Administration to advise the Council? Where was the City Manager? Where was the oversight? Where was the leadership?
So we end up in a “bind”. “Bullied”? Well, that is because there is a lack of leadership and vision. After all, when you don’t keep your eye on the ball, you miss. Big miss here. Just swinging at air.
Throughout your article there is frustration almost to the point of anger. I understand. The cost to our City is substantial, but you and I both know businesses love monopolies and a lack of competition. It produces big profits. And there is obviously big money involved or an out of town Casino wouldn’t have stepped in and spent time and money creating this situation.
Bottom line this may be the most current time the City of Antioch is placed in this type of situation but without improvement in leadership and vision, I assure you that it will not be the last.
Mark Jordan
I agree with both of you on this one. I believe this is just the beginning of what we will see due to the lack of leadership for years in this city. Many people knew all about this, including the city, why didn’t anyone act? “Bullying” is just an excuse for not acting. There was no bullying I can see it was all up front. The council is ultimately responsible.
As an EDC Commissioner, I asked about this at the last EDC meeting and was told to be quiet and stop interrupting and the meeting was adjourned.
Hi mark
Thanks for your view about the Lamar issue.
While I am not changing my opinion about our
Economic development commissioner Lamar Thorpe,
I agree with your point of view, that the real failure
Is within our city counsel and city manager.
I wonder why do we have a highly city lawyer
Which is not advising council ?
Since the council voted 5:0 on that issue,
I would like to know which council member signed the petition
Good question, Karl.
Which of the council members signed the petition?
We would have to look through all of the approximate 9,000 signatures to find out.
Or we could ask each of the council members and see who admits it if they did.
I’ll try that route.
Allen Payton, Publisher
Yes, Allen, this will be a good one. I know who I think it is and am positive who told me she didn’t.