Local Sons In Retirement Branch announces 2015 Golf Champions

SIR Branch #19 2015 Golf Champions (left to right) are Rich Peterson, Gary Kaufmann, Bill Boyer, Jerry Burton and Jack Duncan.
The local Sons In Retirement (SIR) Branch 19 just announced its 2015 Golf Champions. According to Jerry Burton, the Branch’s golf program director: “… our Annual Championships are determined every Fall with a three round tournament at Lone Tree Golf Course in Antioch. The scoring uses the two lowest net scores for each player across several flights. A Match Play tournament is also played during the season with one annual Winner based on the net scores.”
“The winners were recognized at our annual golf awards luncheon at the Guadalajara Grill,” he added. “Along with the recognition each winner received a special monogrammed golf shirt.”
Ongoing golf activities are played at nearby courses including Lone Tree Golf Course, Oakhurst Country Club, Deer Ridge, Delta View, Diablo Creek Golf Course, and Eagle Vines in Napa, among others. Players have an active NCGA handicap index to compete in the various games.
The 2015 Winners are:
A Flight Champion – Jack Duncan
B Flight Champion – Bill Boyer
C Flight Champion – Jerry Burton
D Flight Champion – Rich Peterson
Match Play Champion – Gary Kaufmann
The Sons in Retirement (SIR) is an organization for retired men focused on the enjoyment of their senior years. Members have the chance to make new friends and enjoy a variety of sporting and recreational activities. These include golf, bowling, hiking, bocce ball, various travel outings, dine-outs, and other activities. Couples also attend at some events. The Branch meets monthly at Oakhurst Country Club. These luncheon gatherings also feature presentations from interesting cultural and content experts. SIR membership is free. Prospective members can attend as a guest at one of the monthly meetings.
For more information email Bruce Persons at: brucep@astound.net, call the SIR Branch 19 Hotline at: 925-338-1996, see the website at: www.sir19.org.
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