City resisting help for Antioch’s newest neighborhood with noisy, messy roosters, until now

A few of the many roosters in the neighborhood can be seen roaming at the corner of Viera Avenue and Bown Lane at 6:45 am on Saturday, November 22, 2015.
By Allen Payton
For the past three years, Kurt Loomis and his neighbors have been living with a growing flock of noisy, messy roosters in their neighborhood.
Caught between the county and the city, while the two agencies were in the midst of annexing the area into the city limits, Loomis tried everything to get rid of the birds and get some help from those who represent him.
He met with city staff, gathered signatures on a petition from 19 of his neighbors as instructed, called the mayor and three of the four council members, spoke at a council meeting, but still nothing happened.
But, in phone conversations with Mayor Wade Harper, Mayor Pro Tem Lori Ogorchock and Council Members Mary Rocha and Tony Tiscareno, this past week, they all committed to doing something to help solve the problem.
The city received $1 million for the annexation, and it has been suggested the Council use part of those funds to pay to trap the birds. Harper said the city received a quote of $7,000.
“Definitely those issues are things the council can deal with providing some assistance and funding to address that,” Harper said. “If someone wants to bring it to council and agendize it we can deal with it.”
the attachments to this post:
Roosters at Viera Ave & Bown Lane
There is a rooster in my neighborhood and he is not bothering me at all.
What’s bothering me is the crime, trash and that nothing is done about it.
I wished our city council would be that active
In fighting crime, hiring of the still missing police officers , start fixing the blight,
Attract companies so jobs with good wages can be created.
Priorities. Priorities. Priorities
Did they ever catch the chickens?
it has been almost a year and I dare ask…did they catch the chickens?
Haha. Great question, Daniel.
I will look into this and if I don’t get back to you, here, please remind me.
Thank you for the reminder.
Allen Payton, Publisher