Antioch’s Most Holy Rosary celebrates Father Vicente’s 60 years of priesthood

A procession of children brought flowers to Father Vicente, center left, at the beginning of the multi-cultural mass in his honor, at Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Antioch, on Saturday, August 29, 2015.

A procession of children brought flowers to Father Vicente, (center left), at the beginning of the multi-cultural mass in his honor, at Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Antioch, on Saturday, August 29, 2015.

Bea Neal greets Fr. Vicente in the receiving line, as Fr. Roberto looks on

Bea Neal greets Fr. Vicente in the receiving line, as Fr. Roberto looks on

By Allen Payton

Parishioners and guests filled the Most Holy Rosary Catholic church sanctuary on Saturday, August 29 to celebrate the Father Francisco Vicente’s 60 years of priesthood with a multi-cultural mass. A reception followed, allowing all who wanted to personally greet, kiss and congratulate the beloved priest, who has served the Antioch church and Oakland Diocese for 40 of those 60 years.

Father Vicente is a member of the Dominicans order of Catholic priests, founded by the St. Dominic, known as the Order of Preachers, with the designation O.P. after their names.

According to the church’s website –

“Father Francisco Vicente, O.P., came as pastor in 1975, and began the residency program at Holy Rosary for Dominican Brothers studying for the priesthood. Holy Rosary has been home to approximately 20 Brothers over the years. In March of 1979, also under the pastorate of Father Vicente, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA, was developed.

Father Vicente celebrates 60 years in the priesthood.

Father Vicente celebrates 60 years in the priesthood.

In January, 1993, after serving nine years as Assistant to the Master of the Dominican Order at its headquarters in Rome, and Judicial Vicar for the Oakland Diocese, Father Francisco Vicente returned to Holy Rosary as pastor. Training began the following June for Life Teen, a program to bring teens into a relationship with Christ through the Eucharist, teachings, and examples of the Core Group.

On Jan.3, 2002 Father Jordan Bradshaw took over as pastor and Father Vicente went on a well deserved sabbatical.

Father Jordan left in July 2009 and Father Roberto Corral, O.P. once again returned to Holy Rosary Parish and currently is the pastor. Holy Rosary is a parish of over 3,000 families and is continuing to grow and develop under Father Roberto Corral, O.P., Father Francisco Vicente, O.P. and Father David Bello, O.P.”

Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church is located at 1313 A Street in Antioch. For more information call (925) 757-4020 or visit their website at

Parishioners in the receiving line to greet and congratulate Father Vicente, center.

Parishioners in the receiving line to greet and congratulate Father Vicente (top right center).

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Fr Vicente receiving line

Fr Vicente with sign

Father Vicente flowers mass

Bea Neal greets Fr. Vicente in the receiving line, as Fr. Roberto looks on

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