Antioch City Manager June Report – Efforts continue on Humphrey’s restaurant, police staffing at 86 officers

The following is from Antioch City Manager Steve Duran dated June 1, 2015:

Department/Division: City Manager/Economic Development

Project/Program: Humphrey’s Restaurant

Project/Program Lead: Lizeht Zepeda/Steve Duran

Project/Program Description: The City of Antioch owns the former “Humphrey’s on the Delta” restaurant. It is currently vacant and in need of extensive interior and exterior renovations. The City is seeking a well financed restaurateur, with a vision for a vibrant successful waterfront restaurant. The 12,400+ square foot restaurant is located in the marina overlooking the San Joaquin River.

Status: The City continues to market the restaurant through the commercial brokerage community and directly to potential tenants with the goal of finding the right tenant for Humphrey’s. The economy continues to show positive forecasts, which has continued to generate more interest in Humphrey’s. Staff has shown the building to several potential parties in recent months. As part of our due diligence city staff has met with Delta Diablo Sanitary, County Environmental & Health, and various kitchen designers to go over code compliances for the restaurant.

Next Steps:

– Continue to market property and show the space to well financed restaurateurs.

Receive and review business proposals from interested parties.

– Engage specific commercial/retail brokers to market Humphrey’s.

Police Hiring

Department/Division: Police/ Support Services

Project/Program: Police Officer Hiring

Project/Program Lead: Capt. Tammany Brooks

Project/Program Description: The Antioch Police Department is currently authorized 102 full-time sworn positions. With the successful passage of both Measure C and Measure O, we intend to continuously recruit until all open positions are filled. Additional budgeted non-sworn positions will be filled with prior approval from the City Manager.

Status: We are currently staffed with 86 full-time sworn employees. 2 of these sworn employees are in various stages of the field training program. 6 sworn employees have medical conditions preventing them from reporting for full duty. We have 3 police trainees currently attending the 177th Police Academy at the CCC Training Center in Pittsburg, which began January 26th, and has a graduation date of July 24, 2015. We have 2 additional police trainees attending the 178th Police Academy at the Training Center, slated to graduate on November 13th. This leaves us with 11 remaining police officer vacancies. Dispatch currently has 1 opening for a dispatcher and 1 opening for a Dispatch Supervisor. The dispatcher position is currently in open recruitment with HR. We have one lateral police officer applicant who has successfully completed his background process and we are awaiting the results of his medical evaluations so we can determine a start date. We have one entry level applicant who is near the end of his background process. He would be attending the 179th Police Academy, slated to begin in September. We have 2 other entry level applicants and 2 Academy Graduates who are in the preliminary stage of the background process.

We recently completed an agility test and written examination. Oral boards for these candidates are scheduled for June 19th. Successful entry level applicants would be attending the 179th Police Academy. Our next agility is scheduled for June 26th.

Next Steps:

– Complete pending background checks on the entry level and lateral officer applicants currently in the process.

– Work to establish an active list of entry level applicants from the current pool of candidates.

– Continue to recruit and process applicants for Police positions.

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