Watchdog: Antioch police hiring statistics, despite transplants, Glover can continue as Supervisor

Watchdog-LogoNational Police Week this year is May 10 – 16. Unlike some cities who are giving their cops a hard time, Antioch residents are pleading for more cops. Unfortunately this is the current staffing situation according to a report given to Council by Police Chief Cantando.


102 authorized sworn positions including the Chief.

87 full time positions are filled

12 sworn vacancies

3 recruits began the police academy on January 26th

They are set to graduate July 24, 2015

1 lateral officer candidate is in background process

1 entry level applicant is in background process

2 entry level applicants will begin the police academy on May 18th.

The Chief reported that violent crime is down 13.6%, property crime down 6.6%, arson down 57.1% and total arrests up 21.3% (juvenile arrests down 20.7% and adult arrests up 20.5%)

Supervisor Glover healing from transplant surgery

NOTE: Due to the fact that County Supervisor Federal Glover, whose term is up in December 2016, has been critically ill, recently having had a heart and kidney transplant, I decided to research what would occur if a county or city council member were to become deceased or critically ill.

According to the county’s media person. county counsel advised her that being a general law county, means that if county supervisor is absent due to illness he/she continues to hold the seat, no matter how long the illness continues. If a vacancy occurs in the Board of Supervisors, by death or otherwise, the Governor has the responsibility to fill the vacancy. The appointee holds office until the election and qualification of a successor.

No special election is called. It takes place during the election cycle prior to when the original office holder’s term ends. (Charter cities can establish their own rules for filling a vacancy.) Fortunately, County Supervisor Federal Glover is said to be recovering quickly.

In Antioch in these situations the council would declare the seat vacant and either appoint a registered voter in Antioch to fill the position or call for a special election to fill the remainder of the term.

2 Comments to “Watchdog: Antioch police hiring statistics, despite transplants, Glover can continue as Supervisor”

  1. Karl dietzel says:

    Well, nothing new.
    These are the very same numbers were hearing
    3 month ago, 6 month ago, 9 month ago and so
    A fact is we’re still short of 16 officers, and rather
    Pay almost 2 million on overtime instead of hiring
    Up to the 102 authorized and funded officers.
    What about a fully staffed code enforcement
    Department, or the csos?
    San Jose pd sworn in 25 officers, where is antiochs
    Again, we’re just hearing excuses, excuses and

    • Rich says:

      Very valid point, however, just because the city has authorized 102, that doesn’t meet the 22 immediate hires promised by Harper. What happened to the grant that is paying for 50% FOR 5 years for 5 officers that Harper said he worked so hard to get?

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