Volunteers needed for 2015 Contra Costa County Fair, get free entry into the Fair
The Contra Costa County Fair is currently looking for individuals interested in volunteering at the 2015 Contra Costa County Fair, May 28th – May 31st.
Contra Costa County Fair volunteers play an important role in helping to make the annual Fair a success. Plus, the Fair is a great place to give your time, learn something new, and have some fun.
The Fair is looking for volunteers to help in the exhibit department, livestock area, agricultural education, fairgrounds classroom and museum, gardens, and office.
Teen and adult volunteers are encouraged to participate. Volunteer applications are now available at www.ContraCostaFair.com. (See bottom of web site). Simply fill out the form and return it to the Fair office by Friday, May 15, 2015.
This year’s Contra Costa County FAIRadise is May 28th – May 31st.
For information, visit www.ContraCostaFair.com or call the Fair Office at (925) 757-4400.